Chapter 3: Money

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Jungkook looked at his watch and huffed loudly.

"How fucking long does it take to rob a god damn house fucking twats." Jungkook said angrily.

"Aww is the little Jungkookie mad." He heard Namjoon say from his earpiece.

"Say that again and I'll burn all your Ryan plushies." Jungkook heard a frightened gasp at the end of the line.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try m-"

"How about we focus on the task at hand?!?!," They heard Hoseok shout through the line. Everyone else sighed and agreed.

"Alright, it turns out Mr. Minh has higher security for a teacher than we thought." Namjoon said as he hacked into the system. Jungkook sighed. Though it made since for they may have threatened him more than once. "He installed a silent alarm. So when you walk in it goes off, silently of course, and you have exactly 2 minutes and 25 seconds for the police to arrive."

Jungkook looked at his watch. "I'm going in."

Jungkook walked over to the house and stood in front of the door. "Namjoon, you mind timing me?" He then walked in the house without waiting for an answer.

"Ok Jungkook the money is going to be in a safe located in the right hand corner of the living room." He heard Jin say who shortly snorted after, saying that it was a dumb place to put it.

"1 minute and 45 seconds Jungkook," Namjoon said tensely.

Jungkook walked more like ran to the safe and asked Namjoon what the password was.

"060900 (my brother's-day  it was the first thing that came to mind)."

Jungkook quickly put in the password before opening it. He smiled slightly when he saw the amount of cash stocked in the safe. "Jackpot." He quickly stuffed the cash in the black duffle bag.

"20 seconds Jungkook."


Jungkook quickly zipped the bag up and ran out of the house.

"Shit shit shit shit shit. Fuck the cops are here." Jungkook loaded his gun before putting the duffle bag on his shoulder.

"Hoseok I'll just run meet me at the corner of the neighborhood." Hoseok nodded even though Jungkook couldn't see him and rammed on the pedal.

Jungkook immediately started running when he heard the sirens. He quickly turned the corner as Hoseok sped towards him with the car door opened. Jungkook waited for him to get closer and when he did he threw himself into the car.

Hoseok and Jungkook broke out into a fit of giggles as they sped away.


"Hey Jungkook," Hoseok called out.

"Yeah Hyung?"

"How would you feel about a mission?"

"Depends what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to kidnap this boy."

"How much?"

"1,061,035,000,000 won (1 billion us dollars)"


"And don't do anything to him."

"I don't know... He's kind of cute."

Hoseok gave him a pointed look.

"Oh and one more thing, be careful with him he has Parkinson's."

Jungkook looked at him confused. "I thought only old people got Parkinson's."

Hoseok smiled at him. "He's a special case."

OK OK I know it's trash and it was supposed to come out like four days ago but I'm traveling with mi mama so not that much time to write.  So I practically ran away from my mama to make this chapter so be happy lmao.

BTW have any of you heard Fool by WINNER or Don't Forget by IKON because if you haven't you should the like freaking amazing

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BTW have any of you heard Fool by WINNER or Don't Forget by IKON because if you haven't you should the like freaking amazing.

Also have you heard Don't Leave Me like OMFG IM DEAD LIKE IM WRITING FROM MY GRAVE. But besides the extraness I'm so fucking proud of them like osvbi hij c kbravfn  ;hadsicdbv dsvhakb sa bkhajv e. [Yes I know that makes no sense but it's the life of a fangirl so deal with it :)]

Love Yourself,

Face Yourself


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