Chapter 13~The Truth

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I stood up when I saw an email from...AN ASSASSIN?!
I clicked on the email at it says,
" The money that you gave me was the right amount. Although Jungkook's mother is pretty hard to execute. You never told me she can do COMBAT! If you did I would have assassinated her quickly. Anyways, I think I left something there at the nursing home. Can you please get it, if not I'll get it myself."

Huh what?! The email disappeared before I could even read the sender. I never trusted Jin and I never will, I know that for sure. I need to save Kookie from him no wait I can't do this shit on my own. I went to the basement where Tae, Jimin, and Hobi are.

Hobi: Go away we don't want any lap dances anymore
Y/n: wait you guys get lap dances?
Tae: y/n what are you doing here?
Y/n: we're leaving this place to save Kookie!
Tae: What Happened?
Y/n: Jin might harm him.

I unlocked there cells and they both left their cell except for Jimin. I told Taehyung and Hoseok to take care of the guards while I talk to Jimin. I approached him and gave him an embrace. He pushed me away which made my heart ache.

Y/n: Oppa we have to go...
Jimin: go where to your new boyfriend?
Y/n: 바보 you are my boyfriend
Jimin: that's not what I felt ever since we started dating. I was hoping that since we're dating I have you all to myself but I was wrong... you lost your virginity to someone that you barely know. And you were having a comfortable life with those brothers while the three of us are down here suffering.
Y/n: Oppa...
Jimin: Y/n I think we shou—

You kissed him before he could even finish his sentence. His was so red when you pulled away.

Y/n: your body says otherwise oppa *grabs his hand and drags him out*

######outside Jin's mansion
Hoseok: The outside world feels really strange to me and everything seems bright.

Tae: Who's driving?

Jimin: I will!

We all got in the car, Tae gave Jimin the keys and we sped off.

Jungkook's POV

I tried opening the door from my mom's room but it was locked. I kicked it and it broke apart. She was laying on her bed stained with blood. Tears fell out my eyes.


Jin: I never really liked her anyway. I don't like you either.

Jungkook: Seriously that's no reason t- mom please no!

Jin: I'm being dead serious about you Jungkook. Ever since you came into my life I had to do something to get rid of you and I will now.

He takes the gun out of his pocket and as soon as he was about to shoot I heard someone yell stop. And a warm embraced shocked me. Was it noona?

Y/n: please Jin don't kill him. He's your brother blood-related or not.

Jin dropped the gun and pulled noona's hair. She fought with all of her might but ended up passing out.

#######Your POV
Hmmm what time is it? I opened my eyes, but I was blindfolded and my hands are tied what?¿ I sense deja vu right now.

Y/n: You fuckers get me out nowwww?!!!
???: Then these fuckers won't get you out

I felt the cloth fall down my cheek and I looked up. A man that looks like a teddy bear stared at me giving me an icy stare that gave me chills.

Y/n: where am I? Who are you?
???: I go by the nickname Woozi kitten
Y/n: Woozi who are you?
Woozi: I see my hyung hasn't told you about me

Hyung what is he talking about? I'm so confused.
Woozi: Oh I guess it's story time!

Story~~~~ Woozi is Yoongi's little brother. They're father adores Yoongi more so he depends on Yoongi on doing the illegal transactions. Which made Woozi get jealous of his brother. Since Jin called Yoongi to kill Jungkook's mom. Yoongi backed out because there is no way he's doing that. So Woozi is the one that took the job. And when he was going to obtain his stuff he encounters the brawl between Jungkook and Jin. But, you prevented Jin from killing Jungkook. That's why he took you and the others in hostage.

Y/n: Let me go BASTARD!
Woozi: It's your big day tomorrow. It's the day you will be assassinated so take care of yourself.

You tried to free yourself but ended up failing...

Jimin's POV
A man entered the garage, he really looked like Yoongi-hyung. Because it was Yoongi-hyung! I called out to him and he told me to shut up. Hoseok and Tae followed him from behind. They helped me free myself.

Jimin: Hyung what are you doing here?
Yoongi: Jimin I—
Jimin: what?
Yoongi: I did something very sinful. I'm sorry.
Jimin: Hyung calm down what did you do?
Yoongi: I killed y/n's parents...
Jimin: YOU WHAT!?
Yoongi: I'm so sorry! I was ordered too and I didn't know it was h—
Jimin: *sighs* Don't apologize to me, apologize to y/n she's probably taken hostage by your brother just like the 3 of us.
Yoongi: Seriously Woozi What the Fuck!


A/n: Omo I can't handle BTS Anymore! Some call the ambulance I'm about to die!!!! Like Armys be posting pics of them with a hashtag Euphoria. And its killing me. BTS why would you do this to me. I try to concentrate with school but I can't!!! I'm so done with life. I'm so happy that the Science Unit Test is over. I've been so stressed lately and I kinda rushed this story...

 I've been so stressed lately and I kinda rushed this story

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This is totally irrelevant but I've been reading too much smuts and I'm influencing people around me >_<

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This is totally irrelevant but I've been reading too much smuts and I'm influencing people around me >_<

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