Chapter 2~Reunited

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"knock, knock, knock! Rise and shine folks it's 7:38 am and you both will be late."

"Earth to y/n is anyone home?" I can feel Tae pinch my cheeks." Hyung stob it!" I tried to slap him but I ended up falling off my bed.


"Y/n! Are you alright?" he cried.

Taehyung caught me. I felt a big bump on my forehead. I rubbed my groggy eyes. I was still half-asleep but then something woke me up. I grabbed something I wasn't supposed to grab. It was hard, lean, and muscular. What was I touching? I stood up to see what it was and my face turned red.

"Hyung I'm so sorry I didn't mean to touch it I swear," I protested.

" I have a really nice form don't u think?" Tae bragged.

"Aish don't talk to me!" I rushed to the washroom. What did I just do? My purity just went away.

" Y/n u better patch that bruise up," he mentioned

I looked at the bruise on my forehead. It's swollen so I patched it up with some bandages just like what Hyung told me to do. After getting ready I went downstairs.

"What happened to my baby girl?" halmeoni asked.

Taehyung started laughing and I just growled at him.

" So I was trying to wake y/n up but since she doesn't like to be bothered she tried to slap me. She didn't get to slap me because she hit her head on the edge of the bed table," he explained while containing his laugh.

" y/n be careful next time."

I nodded. After breakfast, I helped halmeoni washed the dishes.

"Thank goodness you have a best friend like Taehyung."

Y/n: why halmeoni?

"I heard on the news that there is a person that wears all black and trying to do something intolerable to high school girls like you. So dear be more cautious I know you can be reckless most of the time," she warned.

I suddenly thought of the guy that was stalking me yesterday. Is that the reason why he's following me? Is it because he wants to do it to me?

"something wrong?" she asked.

"everything's fine..."

I gave her a hug and a kiss then left the house. Hyung was waiting for me with Hobi and Namjoon.

Hobi yelled out," good morning y/n."

We all went to school together. What halmeoni told me is stuck in my mind. I just shrugged it off. I can't think about it today it's going to distract me.

After School...


"seriously this kid is so loud," Namjoon complained.

"well, that's what makes him Taehyung," Hoseok chuckled.

" guys I got a 93% on the test!" he exclaimed

Hobi: Really?!

RM: but weren't u asleep the whole time?

V: yeah but when u guys left y/n made me a practice test and helped me.

RM: that explains why she's so tired.

Hobi: y/n u better head home before it gets dark.

y/n: mmhhhmm, aren't u guys coming with me?

RM: we have after school practice so no.

V: c'mon before Coach yells at us.

They took off without saying goodbye. I guess I'm walking home alone. This is one of my greatest fears being alone. I remembered what halmeoni told me this morning. I departed from the school and as soon as I pass the park I heard footsteps. It's him. I ran towards a vacant lot to hide but he followed me there. Then I realized I'm doing the same thing ever since I was little. I would always run away from my fears. Ma and Pa told me to stop running away from it and face it but look what happened to them. If I just faced my fears then I wouldn't be in this spot right now. They would live with me, enjoy life with me. I guess my relatives were right... I am bad luck. I revealed my hiding spot. I need to know what this person's actual purpose. If it's doing something to me then I can't do anything about it...

"Hey, you what do u want from me? Why are u stalking me, leave me alone!" I yelled back at the guy.

The guy stayed quiet and looked down at the ground. I was getting very impatient and scared. I have seen this before in movies. The suspect stays quiet then pulls out da gun from his pocket and kills u. I yelled at him again,

"Just kill me if u want, I just want to get this over with!" I started crying I don't know what to do anymore," What are you waiting for just pull da trigger!"

He ran towards me. Wait, is he going to stab me? I just stood there paralyzed. This is the end for me I guess...I lived a really good life. I closed my eyes then I felt a warm embrace. The last time I felt this kind of hug was when... I opened my eyes and looked at da man. I see tears falling from his hoodie.

"Jiminishi? Is that you?" I asked.

He took off his sweater and stared at me. It is him! I can't believe it! It's Park Jimin. I hugged him tightly. I missed him so much. I'm finally reunited with my first love...

 I'm finally reunited with my first love

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