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I kick off from the ground, flying through the air, Kaia following close behind me. I make a wild grab for Niall's wrist. The demon shrieks, and dodges my grip.

Niall's yelling, trying to escape from the demon's long fingers.

Do something! I yell to the demon inside.

What do you want me to do? The demon hisses back. My powers aren't unlimited.

Just... I dunno, do anything! I scream inside my head.

I hear the demon sigh, and then I feel a tugging in my back. Kaia screams in anger as she falls back to Earth.

I look behind me, but as I do, I notice a pair of black wings protruding from my shoulder blades. Demon wings.

"Holy shit!" Kaia shrieks as she whizzes past me again. "Why can't my demon do that too?"

I grin at her, and then I zoom after Niall.

Kaia's right beside me, a pair of wings also coming out of her back. Her demon gave her what she wanted, I guess.

I chase after the demon, who's shrieking with laughter.

Why do you think he's trying to grab Niall? I ask my demon.

Probably trying to interfere with our mission, the demon thinks. He might be one of the guys that's trying to destroy Hell.

Ah, crap, I think. Okay.

Kaia zooms in front of me and does a front roll in midair.

"Showoff," I mutter.

The demon is still a good fifty feet in front of me. Damn it.

"Come on, hurry up," I mumble to myself, urging my wings-- or should I say, the demon's wings-- to fly faster.

"Got him!" Kaia screams. Her hand is wound around Niall's flailing ankle.

"Good, hold on!" I shout back. "Or pull him, or something!"

"The demon is holding onto me too tightly!" Niall screams. "If you try to pull me out of his grip, you'll rip my arm off!"

"Oh my god," I hear Kaia mutter.

What do all demons hate? I ask my demon.

The cold, he answers immediately, panic in his voice. This guy clearly had some bad experiences with cold. I think of the time I got stuck in the snow in Alaska.


"Kaia!" I yell at her. "He hates the cold!"

"Who, Niall?" Kaia screams.

"No!" I shout. "The demon!"

"Oh!" She fumbles with something in her pocket. She pulls out a small blue box. "Niall, catch!"

Niall's being tossed through the air so severely that he almost misses it, but he manages to catch it with the tips of his fingers. "Agh, it's cold," he winces.

"Press it to his fingers!" Kaia yells at him.

Niall immediately presses it on the demon's fingers. The demon shrieks and lets go of him, a bright blue square-shaped mark on his dark black skin. 

I use my telekinesis to hurtle the demon about a thousand miles away before flying back to the ground. Why I didn't think about using telekinesis before is beyond me.

Niall tumbles through the air before a pair of wings opens up behind his back and he shoots up through the air.

"Cool," he grins, admiring the spiky black wings.

Demons // l.t. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now