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"Really?" I ask, confused. "Why?"

"I missed you, Louis," Kyle replies softly, and by the tone of his voice, if he could blush, he would definitely be blushing.

"I missed you too," I sob. "Every day after that day for five years, I would go to your grave and put a flower there. I always prayed that I would see you again, and now here we are..."

"Do you love me?" Kyle interrupts my thinking.

"What?" I'm flustered. "Well, yeah, Kyle, I love you as a friend. You're like a brother to me."

"Oh," Kyle's head droops towards the floor. "Okay."

"Why, do you love me?" I ask him back.

"Yeah," Kyle's head turns to face mine. "I've loved you since we were two. Of course, I love you as a friend, but I was always hoping we could be..."

"Something more?" I whisper.

Kyle nods his head.

"Aww," Kaia cooes softly from her chair. "This is so cute."

"Yeah, um, this is heart-wrenching and all, but can you release us from these chairs? Me arse is getting sore," Niall complains.

Kyle sighs and snaps his fingers, and the chains fall to the floor.

"Why did you even do that in the first place?" Niall groans as he stretches his arms. "If you love Louis so much."

"I wasn't sure how he'd react," Kyle smiles half-heartedly. "I thought he might attack me for leaving him."

"I would never attack you," I sniff. "Don't be ridiculous."

Zayn, Harry and Liam both slowly wake up.

"Where am I?" Zayn blinks sleepily.

Harry rubs his eyes and yawns. Liam immediately hurries away from Kaia.

"You're in Hell's dungeon," Kyle grimaces.

"Why are we here?" Harry raises his eyebrows. "Did we do something wrong?"

"No. On the contrary, I was doing something wrong. But now that I can see you--" he gestures to me. "--again, I don't need to try to escape anymore. Do you still have the rock I sent you?"

"That was your rock?" Niall asks, shocked.

Kyle shuggs. "Yeah. I heard about the effects my attempt to escape from here, so I decided, if I can't escape from here, why not send you here? So I sent you a Hell portal. Perfectly legal. As you can see, it worked. Where's the rock now?"

"Uh," I mutter. "I don't know..." I look at the others for help.

Niall pulls a small blue-green rock out of his pocket. "The rock used to be purple-red, but it turned aquamarine once we arrived here."

"That's your ticket back to Earth," Kyle smiles. "Just shake it three times and you'll go back. You guys can leave now. You don't have to stay here."

"Kyle, we just got here," I put my hand around his shoulders. "Besides, I've been worrying about you for nine years. I wanna stay a bit."

Kyle points at my pinky finger, which is slowly becoming more transparent. "The longer a living person stays here, the more their human self fades away. It doesn't matter if they're possessed or not. If you're alive, you fade. Of course, the possessed people fade away slower, but that doesn't matter. Everyone fades away in the end. That's why I originally wanted to come to Earth, instead of you guys coming here."

I look at the others' pinky fingers, which are also fading away.

Zayn glances at his fingers and gives out a yelp of surprise. "If we go back to Earth, will our fingers turn back to normal?"

"Yeah," Kyle nervously chews his nail, a habit that I've grown accustomed to.

"Good," Zayn relaxes. "Can we go before we vanish?"

"Wait," Kyle says, stopping Niall before he starts to shake the stone.

"What?" Niall sounds really impatient.

"Before you go," Kyle turns to me. "I want you to have this."

He presses a small black coal framed mirror in the palm of my hand.

"What's this?" I examine it. My name is engraved in the back in Kyle's messy handwriting.

"I have the same one," Kyle pulls it out of his pocket. "We can communicate this way. Just say my name into it, and I'll say your name. The mirror will vibrate and you just tap it to communicate."

"Cool! Like Facetime," I grin as I pocket it.

"Yeah," Kyle smiles sadly. "Anyways, bye, Louis."

"Bye, Kyle," I pull him into a hug, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more," Kyle mumbles.

"Someone, pass the tissues," Zayn whispers.

"This is so sad," Harry whimpers.

Kyle lightly kisses my cheek as Niall shakes the rock in his hand. "Goodbye, best friend."

I step into the swirling blue-green portal. "Bye, Ky."


Demons // l.t. ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن