Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

I closed my eyes, and tried to put my mind else where. I needed to relax, and I needed to stifle through the rest of my memories and the emotions that came with them. However, I couldn't bring myself to think back to the most horrible ones or even the happiest of ones. Only Layla could bring out the happy ones in me, and I'd already shared that one with her.

That left me with one. It was still a bad one, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the rest of them. None of her tortures had started yet, she only spoke about how vampires were real, and ho they were made.

My fingers easily weaved through Layla's, and I slowly allowed my mind to go back to that time.


The ringing in my ears unhurriedly dragged me away from my unconscious state, but I wish that it hadn't the moment it had. My entire body ached, and I was thirsty, and very weak. Faintly, I could hear footsteps walking outside of a large iron door, and it was then that I realized I wasn't at home anymore. Heck, I didn't even recognize the space around me.

I squinted my eyes in the darkness, and tried to look around for anything familiar, though there was nothing. Thoughts before I passed out slowly came to the front of my mind, and I froze.

Emilia. She cannot be human. No human could do the things that she did to me.

My heart pounded in my chest, and I pulled at the restraints that bounded me to a table. My limbs were spread out, in an almost awkward angle. I couldn't move, or barely fight. What the hell as going on?

The large iron door to my right opened, and it revealed the silver head of hair that sparked fear, lust, and anger inside of me. Her hair shined, even in the dull light, so I could easily see who it was. I tried to open my mouth to say something, anything, to her, but I couldn't. It was as if my mouth had been glued shut.

Emilia hummed to herself as she calmly walked past the table I was tied down on, almost as if she didn't even know I was there. However, her smug look told me otherwise. She knew I was there, and she enjoyed that I couldn't fight her back. I heard a soft, rough, noise and noticed that she was lighting a candle in the far corner of the room. The dull flickering flame did little to illuminate the room, but I could see her face more clearly.

She walked back over to me, and smirked, running her fingers along the edge of my jaw. "How are you, Harry?" She asked, her thick American accent shinning through. Her eyes locked on my face for a few seconds, before she began to cackle in the most unattractive manner. I couldn't even find myself to think it as cute how her nose wrinkled up. "What's the matter, lover boy? Cat got your tongue?" She playfully pouted.

I gritted my teeth, and tugged at my restraints all the way glaring up at her. I wanted desperately to jerk away from her touch, but I was pinned to the table. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't scream out the list of profanities that were bubbling on the tip of my tongue.

"Oh, right, I forgot," She said, and leaned over me. Her hands were placed on either side of my head , while her hair acted as a silver curtain around us, and her breasts were a few inches away from my face. "I've got you compelled to be quiet, and do exactly what I tell you to do," She spoke and eagerly pressed her lips against mine. "Kiss me back, Harry," Her words came out in a whisper against my mouth.

I wanted to deny her the satisfaction of getting what she wanted, but I couldn't. My mouth moved against hers, the exact way that it used to before I knew how different she truly was from me.

After a few minutes, she slowly pulled back and moved my hair from my forehead. Her hand was cold, like always, but now for some reason it felt colder than usual. "Shit, I will always love that from you. Your mouth is amazing," She said with yet another smirk. Her hair brushed against my cheeks, and I shook my head in order to try to drive it away. "Oh, don't be like that, Harry. You know you love me, even after learning I'm not human."

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