Dog walking - Leo

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Moomm!" I shout as I enter the house. No answer "typical" I mutter as it head to the kitchen where I find a note:
Y/n, I've gone out with the ladies tonight. Don't know when I'll be back. Left money for you to buy food.
I look around and see that there's no food which means shopping. Yay fun.
My dog kiko, a boxer cross husky, comes bounding into the kitchen. "Hey boy" I say as he licks my face. Tail wagging like mad. "Need a walk?" I ask and he runs over and sits by the front door like a good dog.
I hook the lead on and head to the local park. I let him off the lead and take a seat on the grass.
I sit silently watching the ducks in the pond as my dog runs around with a stick and that's when I feel a wet nose on my arm. I turn around and there was a little brown and white dog wagging his tail. "Hey pup" I say giving him some love and attention, causing Kiko to bound over. Kiko glanced at the little dog and the little dog glanced at Kiko who stood over him.  They stood barking at each other before running off together.
"YUKI" I heard a boy shout. His voice was familiar with a welsh accent. The little dog's ears picked up and he turned his attention to the boy who was jogging over. His eyes glanced at mine smiling. "Hey" he said. "I never let him off the lead"
"It's fine" I say laughing patting the spot next to me. The boy took the seat. "I'm y/n" I say waving watching Kiko "and that's Kiko"
"I'm Leo and that's Yuki". That's when it clicked "Bars and Melody right?" He just nodded. We both sat there watching our dogs play together. I yawned and I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders. 

That's how my evening was spent. Sitting in a park with my dog and Leondre from Bars and Melody

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