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I hope he's alright
I drown in pain on an empty night

No lights in sight
A bed and a blade
On this lonely night

Cutting silence in the expanse of a room
The broken shell of a person
Sits idly on the floor

People asleep, and blankets all tangled
Will I again decide to have my arm mangled?

Hollowness and anxiety hovering in and over my body
It surrounds me completely but I can't do it quietly

As salty liquid covers a face
Red blotchiness, and muffled sniffles
Resound in the small space

Paranoia and plaguing thoughts of what ifs
Curled ball on a floor of a broken lioness
Caging fear, and overwhelming terror
Breaks down slowly
Dissipates completely into a numbing error

Everything stops abruptly
Throat constricted for no reason
The persons emotional state has changed subtly

As everything winds down
And the person stares blankly
The sore eyes that look at you, only resembles the frown
That deeply resides on a face, no longer
Patiently and not caringly waiting
Everything dull, nothing matters
The depression feeds on what's been given, saiting

At last, when the numbness completely takes over
Everything pales in comparison to what you give

So if you leave, what's the point for me to live?

A/N: It's been a while a lots happened and I need a little break from writing even though I wasn't really writing before. I need to recollect myself. I might think of something and write it down for later or I might post it, but it will be random so no promises if I do. Anyways, vote comment what you think. It's rough times once again so I'm not sure when I'll return with normal updates.
Until then.


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