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임슬옹 X 조이 '이별을 배웠어 (Always In My Heart)'

            'A Warren! Bloody excuse at that.' Suzy's sister cried showing her frustration by tugging Suzy's hair with the brush.

'Ouch. It hurts.'

'Ç'est injuste.'

With a sigh, the little sister nodded. 'But papa wants it. You know how much this means to him, sis.'

'Have you even seen his face?'

After a moment, Suzy lied by nodding.

'Is he good looking?' Her sister now settled on pining up her hair in classic twirls.

Suzy shrugged.

'Are you sure you don't want me there? I could sit somewhere far or bunk with Mr.Roy.'

Suzy shook her head which was stopped by her sister's glare for spoiling the hairdo. She smiled in return, 'No need sis. It's probably going to be so boring that I will be right back before you know it.'

With a sigh, her sister finished her hair. Suzy felt that her sister was not quite done with the talking.

'What is it?'

Like a deer caught in red light, her sister looked at Suzy's reflection in the antique mirror.

Suzy turned around from her seat and teasingly narrowed her eyes at her.

'I know you want to tell me something.'

'But then you wouldn't go to the date.'

Suzy scoffed, 'I thought you were against me going for the date.'

'I changed my mind when you mentioned he was good looking.'

Suzy shook her head in disbelief but couldn't help smiling at her sister.

Before her sister could actually dwell the topic, Suzy was called downstairs reasoning it was almost time. And her sister left the talk at that.


Parker groaned into his bedsheets,

'Master, please.' His butler urged him to get up.

'Do I have to go Matt?' His voice came muffled having his face buried in the king-sized bed.

'Your mother wants to, master.'

Parker looked up and threw a glare at the old man for using the one trick he would inevitably fall for.

'Fine.' He grunted for which the butler was grateful and hurried off.

Alone in his master bedroom, Parker sighed and decided he didn't want to go on a blind date just because his mother wanted to.

He picked up his mobile, to shoot a text to her saying, he wasn't going to go.

He opened the thread and immediately knew he couldn't defy his mother. After all, she had sent him hearts and kissing emojis. She had typed the text herself and not her assistants. That was more than enough to change his mind.


For a person who wanted to ditch the date the very last moment, he was quite early. A good solid half an hour early.

He walked up to the reception desk, 'Under Warren.'

He was lead to one of the two seaters by the window overlooking the skyscrapers. The receptionist pointed to the seat on his left. He thanked the receptionist and took the table.

He looked at his watch which read 7:45. His date would arrive at 8.

What company would you be, Girmen? He mused sipping the red wine.


Suzy walked to the reception desk trying to maintain her calm, but inside she was nervous and anxious.

'Warren please.' She smiled at the receptionist.

'Oh yes.' The lady walked her over to an empty table by the window. Suzy noticed another table behind hers, equally unoccupied and took the one on her left.

What if it is the other table that is reserved.

She wanted to ask the receptionist but found her busy with the next customer. Somewhere she felt that the table was the one on her right and shifted her seat. Afterall she was on time and her date hadn't arrived yet.

Parker returned from his restroom break to find the other table occupied by a girl scrolling her mobile. He didn't give a second thought and sat back in his seat behind hers.

Time rolled by and his date didn't arrive yet. He busied himself with checking his newsfeed that he didn't release it was almost 9:30 and his wine glass was empty. Chucking his phone in his pocket, he sighed looking around for any sign of a particular Girmen.

But then suddenly he felt a weight on his shoulder and when he laid his eyes on the sleeping head, he was hit with a cold wind.

But then suddenly he felt a weight on his shoulder and when he laid his eyes on the sleeping head, he was hit with a cold wind

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