"Your own cousins lost their parents, your aunt and uncle, and you could care less. You torment Scarlett. Trash talk Sage. Have Conner try to bully the twins. And you terrify Saffron, a seven year old. I can't be with someone so heartless."

I'm not sure what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't that. No one's ever stood up for us besides Ella and Stella. No one's ever told Avery just how shitty she is to us. James King is an amazing person.

I hope he dates Stella.

"Please! No one can know you left me before the game James." Avery sniffles, she's crying for her threatened popularity.

James ends a three year long relationship and all she cares about is where she stands on the social scale. Why didn't he breakup with her sooner?

"Goodbye, Avery. I'll be by your place later to get my things." James informs her before walking away.

Oh snap. He's headed this way.

I panic trying to find a place to hide, with no other option I dart outside. Sprinting to gain some distance, I shift into a casual walk. Hopefully I pass as an innocent bystander.

"Hey, Scarlett, wait up!" James calls after me, busted.

I stop, a smile forming on my face. Maybe he'll remember all the things he said in my defense and be nice. "Hi, James, how are you?"

Weird. He doesn't look angry. He's smiling.

"I'm great actually. Do you know if Stella's seeing anyone right now?"

My polite smile becomes real. "My Stella?" I pretend to think, I can't make her look too available. "No, I think she's single at the moment."

Not like there was any competition. Stella may be boy crazed but she's never had a real boyfriend. James has been her only actual crush.


I do a little happy dance in my head as we walk down to the field together. They are going to be so cute.

Feeling brave, I decide to mention Avery. "So I take it you won't be at Thanksgiving dinner this year." I mean for it to be a question but it comes out more like a statement.

"Nope." He looks up to the sky, as if trying to decide something. "Look, Scarlett, I'm really sorry for never trying to stop Avery. She was and still is terrible to you and your family and I wanted you to know that was part of the reason I ended things."

Now I really feel bad for eavesdropping, I wasn't expecting a full blown apology. Guilt eats away at his casual expression.

"You can't change Avery, she'll always be like that. I appreciate your apology though, I just hope you're happy." Somehow, even after three years with the evil queen, he's managed to keep his heart.

The guilt is replaced with a wide smile. He gives me an unexpected hug, lifting me off my feet. Surprisingly, I feel a pang of disappointment that he's not Ashton. He puts me down and begins to jog away with a new found joy in his step.

"Hey, James!" I call after him and he stops, "You hurt Stella and I'll kick your ass."

He gives me a very serious look, "Trust me, I know."

I finish my walk to the field with a smile on my face. I see Ashton waiting for me in our usual spot but he's not very happy. The glare on his face causes my smile to falter. 

Before I could even say anything he brushes by me, not even bothering to apologize. "Ashton, where are you going?"

"Away from you." He calls back, not bothering to turn around.

Life in Color ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα