Guilty until proven innocent

Start from the beginning

Words can not describe how happy I am to know that my plan went absolutely, without a flaw, perfect.


"The Wildcats face off in their final game against the Darley City Bobcats! The Championships have begun with these two great teams! How have they got this far? Let's bring out the magnificent players!"

The announcer begins to list off the players of the bobcats' team first. When it comes to our team, they call us out by number. I'm number 11, and when I hear it called I run out onto the field beside my other teammates. Lastly, and to my surprise, they call out Peyton's name, and she comes running out with a jersey on. Where has she been for the past few games?

The game begins and I'm benched for the first quarter. I wish I weren't, because I get to see Peyton walk out the gate. If I were in the game, I wouldn't have even noticed and it wouldn't have made me crazy wondering where she was going. Since I have 10 more minutes until I'm put in, I sneak out the gate after Peyton.

"Peyton! What's going on? I understand you hate me, but must you leave your team behind on our last and biggest game?" I'm yelling at her, but I didn't intend to. It's okay, though, because she starts yelling too.

"You think that I don't want to be here? Adam, for crying out loud I love football! You know why I haven't been at the last few games? Because of college interviews! And you know why I'm not staying around tonight? Because I'm leaving bright and early tomorrow morning to catch a plane!"

I look at her confused for a second. "Leaving?" She nods and I see her brush away a tear in a fast second. "Gone. Adam, I'm leaving for college tomorrow. Have fun being popular."

Her words sting. "Where are you going?" I don't meet her eyes as she gets into her car. She looks up before she shuts her door. "I'm going to a performing arts school. I guess you never really cared enough to know that I loved performing more than football."

I would've bet she'd say Harvard. Guess I would've been wrong.

"Have fun." I say right as she closes the door. It's a whisper so I doubt she hears me.

I mope back to the field and before I can even think about what happened I'm playing in the same patterns I was last game. Sure, I can win us the game but what did I just lose with Peyton?


"Dude! That was amazing! Field goals every 5 minutes, a touchdown every 2 minutes! What kind of energy drink did you drink before the game?!"

Nothing. I was just so upset about Peyton and I play better when I'm mad.

Tyler's hand clasps on my shoulder when we arrive at Mack's. "You okay?" I shrug, "I could be better." He gives me a sympathetic look but it doesn't last long before he catches up with Aaron at the front of the pack. It seems it wasn't just the football team that showed up, but everyone who showed up to the football game is here.

Mack comes up to me after everyone has given their orders. "How you doing, kid?" I shrug, "I'll tell you like I'm telling everyone else; I could be better." This time, I get a real sympathetic look. "Hang in there, kid. You wanna tell me what's bothering you?" Someone shouts to him on the other side of the room and I look to see Aaron yelling across the table. What a jerk.

"I'll stick around after hours. And help you clean." I add after I see Tyler chuck a spoonful of who-knows-what at Aaron and they both laugh. Colleen looks to me for help. I chuckle and she grins.

When everyone cuts out for the night, Colleen comes up to me with a frown on her face. "Is everything okay?" She puts her hand on my arm. I fake a smile, "Perfect." She looks me in the eyes without smiling, "You're lying. What's wrong? Is it that Peyton girl?" Her voice starts to rise and I have to shake my head. "Nothing's wrong." This time I don't fake a smile and it looks like it makes her mad.

"You really have changed." She backs away from me a few steps.

"What do you mean?" She scoffs and rolls her eyes at my question.

"You were barely on the football team and you were amazing. If you didn't go off and lose your focus you would've been fine."

Again, I have to ask, "What do you mean?" She throws her hands up in frustration.

"All you needed was some tutoring from that Peyton girl and you would've been fine! But you had to go and get into A.P classes to show off your new-found smarts! Then you get back on the football team but you pass out and how many games did you actually get to play? Yeah, 4. A total of 4 out of 8. Half the season, Adam. Half the season you were off-focus."

"Off-focus?! I busted my butt to prove I was smarter than anyone gave me credit for and they still didn't let me on the football team! I don't know what the guys told you, but they all voted me off the team! Peyton got me back on!"

"Enough about Peyton!" She screeches at me. She storms out of the restaurant.

Mack puts his hand on my shoulder. "Is this your problem?" I laugh, "Not really." He nods then continues sweeping. I grab a chair that has already been placed on top of the table. "Can I ask you something?"

He stops sweeping. "Sure." I take a really deep breath, not understanding why this needs to be asked. "If you like a girl, and she says she's leaving, should you chase after her before she leaves?"

He looks at me curiously. "Son, just tell me what's going on."

I take another deep breath. "I liked this girl named Peyton but then we got in a fight and we haven't talked in a while. Before I played in the game tonight, she showed up and told me that she was leaving tomorrow morning for college. All along, I knew she wouldn't be staying around, but it was just like a punch in the face. I guess I really do like her."

"You guess? Adam, you need to tell her how you feel. And that Colleen girl? Nothing but trouble and you don't need that. I've met Peyton. Go after her before she's gone." He pats my back then shoves me out the door. I look back and he shoos me off.

For a moment, I think about running down the street and Peyton would be waiting there for me. And I would pick her up and spin her around and tell her how much I don't want her to go, or at least, tell her how I truly feel.

Then I shake my head and go home.


Such a sad ending......


But seriously. Now what will Adam do? Hmmm ;)

Well. What are you waiting for? Comment what you think he will do!

Always, Sunny ;)

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