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It had been about two weeks since the semester finally ended and since Dimitri showed up at my door. "So how are you feeling?" Arnell asked as Sami laid in my arms sleeping. Today was the day of Richard's funeral and I still couldn't believe that he was dead "It feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Knowing he is actually dead is oddly comforting." Seeing him in his coffin really brought me this strange feeling of peace. "I know it shouldn't, but him being dead makes me happy," I said with a shrug.


"Maj." Maja looked up seeing Dimitri standing there leaving her in shock. "What are you doing here?" She questioned. "Angelo and I have been talking and he wants to give us a chance to make things work between us." Maja made one of the most disgusted faces ever.

"Nigga how the fuck are you two going to discuss who I'm going to be with, without me being present?" Maja asked. Dimitri went to speak but she kept going. "Dimitri, I know you've changed but so have I. I'm not that girl you met in high school. Yes, I will always have love for you. Yes, I will always be there for you, but I don't want to be with you. I want to be with Angelo." She said realizing what she said. 'I want to be with Angelo.' She repeated in shock. Dimitri stared at her speechless before he sighed. "I guess I can't do anything but accept this, huh?" He asked somewhat hopeful.

"We will always be friends and parents to a beautiful little girl, but I don't want to be with you." He nodded his head before he pulled Maja into a hug before he kissed her forehead.

He turned to leave but stopped. "Angelo really does care about you. I damn near think he's in love with you. Any man that's willing to let his girl go because he thinks she'll be happier is a man who loves you." Maja stood there taking in his words.

About a week later Maja's sister came rushing into their apartment. "Why the fuck aren't you answering your phone?" Nadia snapped. "I turned my phone off," Maja said with a shrug trying not to wake Sami. "Why? What happened?" Maja asked turning her attention back to the tv. "Richard's in the hospital. He was in a car accident." Arnell said.


"No, he made it clear he doesn't want me. He graduated without telling me, might I add. Then he just ups and disappears without a word." I whispered. After Richard was declared legally dead I found out that Angelo had graduated and gone m.i.a. It felt like a slap in the face, but with everything that had been going on, I haven't had the time to think about it too much.


The winter break flew by quickly, and Maja found herself walking back on campus. "Maja!" She heard someone yell causing her to turn around only to see Omar and Tisha's smiling faces. She smiled as he pulled her into a hug before she hugged Tisha. "You okay?" Tisha asked with a concerned look. Maja knew what she was talking about but she didn't want to talk about it. "I..." "Baby she doesn't like to talk about her feelings until they hit her out of the blue, and she has no choice but to talk about them," Omar whispered rather loudly before he looked at his friend with a huge smile. "Well, how observant," Maja said making the two them laugh.

Tisha looked at Maja giving her a sympathetic smile. "Babe the letter." She said nudging Omar. "Oh shit, you're right." He said before pulling out an envelope and handing it to Maja. "What is this?" Maja questioned looking at a letter signed by Angelo.

She stared at it with an annoyed look on her face before she looked at Omar. "He wanted me to give it to you when you came back." She looked up at him. "He really does care about you," Omar said before he hugged her. She walked over to one of the tables with the two of them following her as they sat down. She stared at the letter before she opened it.


Dear Maja,

I know you probably think I'm an ass but if you're reading this then that means Richard is dead. I know I should have told you that I was graduating early but I didn't get a chance too because everything happened so fast. Thanksgiving night when you fell asleep I took in everything that happened between us. From our first meeting to getting to know you. After I found out what he did to you, my mother, and dad I knew he didn't deserve to breathe another day. The longer I sat there the more I wanted to do everything in my power to protect you, Samiya shit everyone, so I made a few calls and set a plan in motion to get rid of him for good. But I didn't want any shit to come back on you or anyone else because of the history you and Richard share. As for Dimitri, you said you didn't know if you wanted to be with me or him and I was scared. I thought you would choose him. He's the father of your child, your first love, your first everything. How could I compete with that, so I made the decision to take myself out of the equation? But I fucked up, I should never have let you go. You are the first woman that I feel is on my level. I've never been with a woman who is so sure of herself and you make me want to continuously better myself. I know you think you're too damaged to be with someone but you're not. And I want to make up for leaving you and show you how amazing you are. I'm starting to ramble but I wanted to tell you this because I'm coming back for you. I don't know when but I am coming back for you.


Maja stared at the letter in disbelief. "Maja!" She heard someone call her name making her jump and clutch her chest. She looked to see everyone sitting around her. She quickly folded the letter and stuffed it in her bra. "You okay Mj?" Nadia asked. "You look a little flushed." She shook her head. "No, I'm fine." Omar clears his throat making Maja kick him. "Ow!" Everyone looked at him but just chalked it up to him being his weird self. "Are you sure you're okay?" Haseem asked Maja as he stared at her. "Okay let's just get this out in the air so I don't have to deal with this all semester. Angelo left me. I'm fine and if one more person asks if I am after this I will hurt someone. We good?" Maja questioned as her concerned friends and sisters looked at her. "For now," Rocky said.

After spending the whole day out Maja finally got back to her room. She walked inside and cut the lights on to see a huge painting lying on her bed. "Maja can I borrow your... oh my god," Nadia said as she stood next her little sister shocked. "Arnell!!" Nadia called as Maja walked closer to the bed. "What!?" Arnell yelled as she came in eating some grapes. "Look," Nadia said. The three sisters crowded around looking at the picture. Arnell picked up the note that sat next to the painting.

 Arnell picked up the note that sat next to the painting

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'Dipped in chocolate...'

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