The Trap

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Jinx's POV

"Jinx, Kid Flash, get in here." I heard Robin call from the other room.

I rushed to the other room, Kid Flash right behind me.

"What?" I asked.

"It's the Hive." He said, "They've taken hostages. Says they'll only release them if you and KF confront them. Alone. If any cops or any other titans show up, they'll send them to Antartica."

"Let's go." said KF.

We quickly ran to the warehouse they were tracked to.

"This is the same one were I walked away from crime." I commented.

"I see you're here gunkmunchers." I heard Gizmo call when we got inside.

"Gizmo, let them go and no one gets hurt." I said.

"Fine." said Gizmo.

"Well, that was easy." said KF.

"Somethings not right..." I said.

I saw the hostages step out from the darkness. I went to one that look injured, but my hand went right threw him.

"Oh no..." I said.

I heard KF scream, and soon I was ingulfed in electricity.

"Don't bother, level 4 containment fields." I heard Billy Numerous call.

"Oh, I hate these things." KF said.

"Shut it Snot Man." I heard Gizmo say, "Now Jinx, we have one question... Why? After everything we've gone through growing up, why would you leave it all behind?"

"You don't understand. You don't understand love." said Jinx.

I'll never forget the look of hurt on Gizmo's face, and the glares they all shot KF.

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