Part Thirteen

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Just a warning, theres a huge twist in this that I dont think any of you are expecting! Mature audiences only! The song goes well with the scene so please listen to it!

Avni opened the door, smiling "Hello"
Neil looked her up and down "I forget sometimes how beautiful you are"
Avni blushed "Charming, anyway, I have a meeting to get to"
Neil stepped closer "Not with that male tutor I hope"
Avni shook her head "With your cousin"
"Avni, no"
"I had plans Neil, the fact that you're alive wont change that, you either come with me or I will see you later"

Neil followed her outside "Ill come with you"
Avni smiled "Great, ill tell you the plan"


Dai sat in the chair facing the woman who was about to start dancing.
The woman had a dark purple skirt on that stopped below her feet, a purple dark veil hid her face from her nose down, her eyes covered in purple eyeshadow
Dark black eyeliner rimmed the edges, she opened her eyes slowly and shook her hips

Dai smiled, stretching his legs he sat back in his chair.
The woman danced around, her fingers danced across her bare waist, she stretched her arm around and span around slowly shaking her hips, her eyes fell on Dai and she beckoned him forward with her fingers
Dai stood up slowly, traipsing toward her, a menacing glint in his eyes
She pushed a hand down his chest her other hand pulled out a vial of something from her clothing

She looked down at the injection, then span Dai around, she raised the injection and vial and pushed it into the injection
She lowered herself then rose up slowly, pushing the injection in quickly she pulled it out
Dai's eyes widened and he started to cough
She pulled away "Help, help" she shouted

His men ran over, trying to revive him as he frothed from the mouth
"You, you did this" a man shouted
She began to sob "I would never, he just, he just fell and I" she pulled out her gun from her waist band pulling it from behind her
"So explain then how he just dropped dead"
She shook her head "I would never hurt anyone, ever"
Her face darkened "Unless they hurt what is mine" she said, teeth gritted, she pulled her veil down and raised her gun

"Hey isnt that the old Sheikh's wife"
Avni smiled "Who wants to go first then" she span the gun around in her fingers
"Take me to the Sheikh and I will spare you all"
A man tried to tackle her but she shot their knee
"Youll only make this worse for yourself" she muttered, shaking her head sadly
"I have no issue killing you all"
Another shot rung out and a man fell to the floor

Avni shrugged "Wasnt me"
Neil stood out from behind the pillar
The crowd gasped as he walked over to Avni, grasping her hip "When you fight, dont rip the uniform, we can make use of it later"
Avni nodded, kicking her leg out at one of the men she flipped him over and shoved her knee into his groin "Where is the Sheikh, what is he to scared to fight"

Neil grabbed a man, bending him back he heard his back crack and then dropped him to the floor as he writhed in pain
Avni looked back at Neil in adoration
One man stood up "Hes in here, ill take you to him"
Avni and Neil stepped closer as the men stepped back
The man pointed down the corridor, Neil went first, Avni pressed her back against his, her gun out watching if anyone followed them

Finally arriving at the room, Neil kicked the door open to see the room was empty
"Hes already ran away, go"
Avni swore under her breath as they ran outside, looking around
Someone came up behind them with a bat and knocked them around the head, they both fell forward and the Sheikh laughed
"Get them in the van"


Avni's cheek rested on Neil's shoulder, her hands tied infront of her
Neil woke up as the van went over a bump
"Habibi, wake up" he whispered
Avni groaned before opening her eyes slowly
Neil looked down at her "You okay"
She nodded then hissed in pain, Neil lowered his head
"What are you doing" she asked
Neil looked back up at her "Untying the rope with my teeth"
Avni watched as Neil started to untangle her rope with his teeth, finally freeing her she rubbed at her wrists and then untied him

Neil helped her stand up and they tried to open the van door, Neil kicked it hard a few times and it flew open
They jumped out, rolling across the road, both of them grazed and cut from the road, they stood up as the van came to a halt
Neil grabbed her hand and ran into the forest, Avni looked behind her at the men following them
Finally losing them, Avni huddled over "We cant run all night"

Neil looked over at a large tree "We will have to stay under there, that okay"
Avni nodded and walked over, Neil stayed stood up as she sat down "I need to find some water"
Avni tried to get up "Ill come with you"
Neil shook his head "Just stay here and stay hidden, ill be back I promise"
Avni's voice broke "Keep that promise, I cant lose you again"
Neil smiled "I will"

By the time Neil came back with water, Avni had fallen asleep
"Avni, wake up"
Her eyes shot open and she outstretched her hand for some water in what looked like a bike helmet
"No fancy glasses" she asked
"A helmet was all I could find, ill try and find something nicer next time"
Avni gulped down the water then passed the rest to Neil

She kneeled and pulled him closer, her hand on his cheek, she rubbed her nose against his neck
She peppered kisses across his jawline and then sucked on his neck, biting down
Neil's hands went to her waist, his fingers brushed across her waist making waves of electric run through her spine
Neil pressed a kiss to her waist, then looked back up at her
"I didnt really imagine our first time here"
Avni laughed "What did you imagine"

Neil smirked "I imagined many things, ill tell you them all one day, but for now"
He pushed her down slowly, kissing her neck, he leant up and pressed a passionate kiss to her lips, she raised her arms wrapping them around his neck, she raised her leg and wound it around his waist
Her other leg brushed up his thigh
Neil bit lightly into her collar bone and she shuddered
"Cold" he asked
"No" she smiled "Hot"
"Then we better get some of those clothes off"

Neil pulled his jacket off, his t-shirt over his head and his bottom clothing were pulled off just as quick
Avni wiggled out of her clothes
She pushed Neil down and straddled him
"Ive missed you" she smiled
Neil looked up at her in adoration, the way she shone under the moonlight, highlighted her best features, her eyes glimmered, she truly looked like a goddess
Neil tugged her down ontop of him, she gasped and he smirked
"I cant get enough of you" he whispered
Avni opened her eyes "Neither"


Avni traced her fingers across Neil's bare chest, she pressed a kiss on the centre of his chest, he pulled her to him closer and smiled into her hair
"That was amazing" he smirked
Avni nodded, unable to speak
"Are you sore" he asked
Avni shook her head "Im fine"
Neil looked down at her in his t-shirt "You look good in my clothes"
Avni blushed "Stop it you"
They heard a rustle and jumped up, Neil pulled her behind him

"Here you both are, we've been looking for you everywhere" a voice said and the man stepped closer
"The Sheikh wants to meet you"
Avni slipped her shoes on and so did Neil and then they were shoved infront, Avni was tugged away from Neil
"Hmm, I could just eat you up" the man chuckled
Neil gritted his teeth "You fucking touch her and ill"
"And you'll what" the man laughed, bashing him around the head with his rifle

"Neil" Avni cried, trying to pull away from the two men who held her back
Neil was on his knees as two men began to kick him around the face, in the chest, blood ran down his forehead
"Please, stop" Avni begged, falling to her feet trying to get away, the men still held onto her tightly
Avni was dragged away, Neil stretched out his hand, unable to see through the blood as he heard Avni scream again as she was dragged away

Avni was thrown in a heap into a small shelter
She stood up, banging on the door "Let me out, where is my husband" she shouted loudly
Neil was dragged not to far behind and was shoved onto a chair, he looked up, spluttering as he was punched in the neck, blood coming out of his mouth

"Why hello Mr Khanna, ive been told you wanted to meet me, see my face"
Neil looked up at the Sheikh, he pulled his hood down and smiled, stretching out his hand
"Im the Sheikh, but you know me better as Joseph right" he snarled

Did I catch you all off guard? I hope I did! Much love all!
Look how long it is! Yayyyy

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