Part Eight

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"You wanted to talk" said Neil, stood a fair distance away from Daai
"Look, think about it, all I'm saying is Avni has lied about a lot, you really think id go against you and build a weapon"
Neil sighed pushing his hand through his hair "I dont know what to think"
"She doesnt care about you, she just wants to use you, trust me"
Neil tried his best not to be angered about the accusations against Avni, but he couldnt help it
"Maybe I just need to test it"


Avni looked over at Neil, she wasnt sure how to start a conversation with him
"Have you had breakfast"
Avni looked up, she wasnt expecting him to ask "No, I was waiting for you"
Neil slipped his jacket back on "Well im going out"
"Wait where, you havent ate yet"
Neil ignored her and walked outside, Avni followed quickly
"Ready for this race" a man asked
Neil nodded and sat on the motorbike
Avni looked forward at the twisty roads

"Neil, its dangerous" she muttered
Neil revved up the engine, looking back at her one more time
As Neil was about to start, he felt Avni wrap her arms around his waist
"Avni, what are you"
"I dont want this to be the last time I see you, something might happen and I would like to be there for it"
Neil huffed and shut down the bike
He turned, grabbing Avni's waist and put her on the ground
"No, what are you doing" she shouted
Neil started it again and drove away

Avni got into her car, driving towards where Neil would stop
She quickly swiped at her tears as she drove
Parking quickly she jumped out, turning him around she slapped him across the face
" Just because you hate me right now doesnt mean you endanger your life" she grabbed his collar shaking him
"I dont"
"Don't what" she said angrily
"Hate you"
Avni let go of his collar, looking away she wiped at the tears under her eyes

Avni lifted her hand, putting it over his lips "Please just dont say anything"
She wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tiptoes
"Ill go if you want me to, just dont do something like that again" she whispered
Neil lifted an arm and wrapped it around her waist
Avni gripped onto his collar tighter, breathing in his scent she closed her eyes
Avni pulled away, she rubbed her thumb against his stubble "Im glad youre okay"
She went to walk away when he grabbed her wrist

"Where do you think youre going" he asked
"You want me to leave, dont you"
Neil pushed a strand of hair away from her face "No habibi"
Avni jumped "What did you just call me"
Avni couldnt control her happiness and pulled him to her again, holding him tightly to her
"Are you still mad at me" she asked worriedly
Neil pulled back, cupping her cheeks "No, not at all, I think I was scared, that maybe you would leave"
Neil laughed "I dont think I would know what to do without you ya amar"

"What does that mean"
Neil shook his head "Its a secret"
"But nothing, now come on"
"Please tell me Neil" she pleaded
Neil squeezed her cheek "Youre so cute, but no"
Avni huffed, turning away from him she got in the car and drove away leaving Neil laughing
Avni arrived at home and walked inside, hearing a bang she stood firmly against the wall

Peering around the corner she saw a bunch of guards surrounding the other Sheikh
She knew they must be here for Neil, but how did they get in?
There was no way she could take all those people alone, especially without any weapons
Pulling the door open again she slid out to see Neil
"Neil, we have to go"
"Why, whats wrong"
"The other Sheikh is in there and he has a ton of armed guards"
Neil frowned before beckoning her towards the car
"Exactly where are we going to go"
Avni nodded "A safe house, until I work this out"

Neil was driving up the road when a man ran out infront of the car
Slamming the breaks down they both jolted forward
Avni got out of the car "Excuse me, are you okay"
The man shook his head "Theyve captured everyone, I just managed to get away"
The man straightened as a bullet hit him in the back, Avni gasped as the body dropped to the floor
Neil pulled her away "Take the car, go somewhere safe, I need to help my people"

Avni grabbed his hands "No, you cant go alone, they will take you hostage, please Neil"
Neil put his finger on her lips "Avni, listen to me and go okay, this isnt your fight, you can come back with help"
Avni shook her head "No, please, what if they hurt you and I dont make it back in time"
Neil kissed her cheek, kissing away her tears "I wont take no for an answer, now go"
He let go of her hand slowly and walked forward
"Neil please, I cant lose you " she sobbed

Neil turned back to face her "Smile, just for me, let that be the image I take of you with me"
She smiled softly through her tears, her heart clenched painfully as he raised his hands "ana aistislam" (I surrender)
The men walked forward and grabbed him, dragging him away, he looked back at Avni one last time
Avni gripped onto the windmirror of the car tightly as he was dragged away
She heard the cries of the people get louder, but she couldnt move, she felt helpless

Finally pulling the car door open she got in the car and drove as fast as she could
Parking up she ran to Joseph "They have the whole city under guard and Neil surrendered to them, you have to help me"
Joseph beckoned her inside "Look at this"
She focused on the video of Daai stood under a tree, his gun firmly in his hand
"He is the other Sheikh's advisor"
Avni gulped painfully "Hes been behind this all along, we have to go now or they will kill him"
Joseph shook his head "No, you dont understand"
"What dont I understand" she shouted, they were wasting time and she hated it

"30 women and 12 children have been sold, under the name of Neil Khanna"
Avni shook her head "He wouldn't do that, I know him"
"Yes, but do the thousands of people that want him dead know that, do you have proof"
Avni shook her head slowly
Joseph patted her hand "We are outnumbered, we cant get more help until tomorrow evening earliest"
"By then he could be dead, what am I meant to do"

"You stand down, thats an order, I wont lose one of my best because of this"
Joseph looked at the TV, Neil was on screen "Any final words before youre hung tomorrow" the other Sheikh asked
Neil looked up at the dark sky "I love ya amar"
Avni remembered Neil saying it to her earlier, "Ya amar, what does it mean"
Joseph frowned "My moon"
Avni opened the weapons door
"You always taught me to fight for what I believe in, even if it means going against orders, to this day, I never have, but things have changed"

"How are you going to fight them all alone" he asked, baffled
"I hope youll do the right thing and join me out there, if not, ill die trying"
She stormed out, weapons in hand and got into her car
Joseph shouted "Why did you ask what it meant"
Avni rolled down her window "He called me it earlier"
And with that she was gone

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