Part Eleven

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So this story randomly dissapeared for about two hours, but after some emails its all sorted now yay! So sorry to anyone who wondered where it had gone! Anyway-

Avni's POV-
My breath caught in my throat at the view before me, there he was, there was my home. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks but I couldnt move, for fear he would dissapear again. My head spun with too many thoughts that I couldnt possibly digest. I could feel the rain falling faster, but I didnt care, all I cared about was trying not to blink incase I missed a second of him.

"Habibi" he called, and thats when my resolve broke. Without a second more of hesitation I stepped into his open arms, my body melting into his, my shoulders shake sending vibrations through his chest as he tries so hard not to cry with me, two years without him is two years I will never get back, two years of pain that will never go away

I pull back, still in disbelief at what my eyes see, I cup his cheeks, them run my hands through his hair, down his arms then back to his face again "Youre really here" I pull him down, pressing my lips to his strongly making him falter back and grab my waist to steady us both
My fingers yank at his hair as I bite into his bottom lip, im not sure if its his tears or my own I taste as I continue to kiss him like my life depends upon it

"Avni" he whispers against my lips, trying to pull away and as he does I feel so desolate and alone again. I feel myself panicking as he goes to stand back and I grab his arms, wrapping them back around my waist "Please, dont let go, just hold me, please" and again, im crying because knowing hes here is just to much all at once

Then it hits me, like a ton of bricks, that Neil is meant to be dead, I feel my skin go cold and the sickly feeling that burns in my chest as I shove him away
"You lied to me, pretended to be dead and here I was pining for you, for two years" I cant look at him, so angry at him, yet again I have been betrayed by someone who I assumed cared for me

"Habibi its" I raise my hand, stopping him. "Dont call me that, dont you dare, the man that called me that would never do this to me but I guess I never knew you at all"
He pushes my chin up, his eyes as teary as mine "I wanted so badly to tell you, but Joseph said"
"Joseph knew about this, he knew all this time and said nothing"
Neil closed his eyes painfully

"Joseph said you were together and he made me promise to stay hidden, when he saved me, I wanted so badly to tell you but I had no reason to doubt him and I didnt want to make things harder for you"
I laughed mornfully "Make things harder for me, do you have any idea how hard these two years have been, no you wouldn't understand, was this some kind of revenge, I dont care for Joseph, but you're my husband, why didnt you tell me"

I shook my head, not wanting to be around him any longer. "Please, wait, I know what I did was wrong but I had no idea you were suffering"
"Oh really, did you think I was happy then"
He shook his head fast "Thats not what I meant"
"Im going to make this easier for both of us, you made me think you were dead for two years, lets continue living that way, I will continue mourning for the man I married, because looking at you now, he definitely is not here and you will live your life knowing im alive but never being able to come near me, now there is nothing between us, I hate you"

The anger coursing through my veins was making my hands shake as I walked away.
"Avni, wait" I continued to walk when I heard him shout as if he was in pain. I turned back around slowly to see him on the floor
"Neil, Neil" I turned him over, tapping his cheek I pulled his head onto my lap
"Neil, please wake up, I didnt mean what I said, please I cant lose you again"
I held onto him tightly, rocking him as I cried when I felt a hand wiping away my tears
"Please dont cry habibi"

I paused, Neil was fine, "You faked that so id come over to you"
He nodded and I let go of him, standing up
"No, Avni, wait, I was trying to prove that you dont hate me, I know you dont want to just walk away from this"
He grabbed my wrist and span me around, cupping my cheek he kissed away my tears
It was all I could do to not melt into his hold
"Ill spend my whole life making this up to you, just dont walk away, not from this"

I tried to pull away but he grabbed my wrists, holding them against his chest
"Neil, let go"
"Neil I said"
"And I said no" his eyes were daring
Seeing the tears in my eyes he let go of my wrists, "Did i hurt you" he asked worriedly, rubbing at my wrists.
"I thought you were dead Neil" I whispered
"I know, im so sorry habibi" the look on his face showed me he was sorry but I still wasnt sure if I ever could forgive him for this

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, my hands were tightly by my side "Im sorry, I am, I love you so much ya amar" (my moon)

Oooh cliffhanger! Will she say I love you back? What will happen next when Joseph turns up? If you havent watched the trailer yet, please do and if anyone can work it out do leave your comments!

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