Part Five

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Neil got out of the car looking around, Avni stood behind him, he turned slowly to face her and then looked back at the dilapidated building. "What did you want to show me here" Neil asked, his voice soft, as if he could feel Avni's inner turmoil.
"I guess I wanted you to know more about me, this was my parents home, its burnt down because there was a fire and they were in it" she swallowed thickly and looked away, she still remembered the day she lost everything, she promised herself that day she would always fight for good and she had done.

But life got confusing sometimes, and she herself wasnt sure if she had shown Neil this place to earn his trust or because she wanted to open up to him, to finally have someone who understood. Neil cupped her cheek, she looked back at him, shocked to see tears in his eyes
"Im sorry habibi, I really am, you're so strong, thank you for sharing this with me"
In this moment all she wanted was the comfort of his arms, but she knew as he previously promised he would not touch her unless she wanted him to

Her cheeks heated up as she stepped closer, "Can you"
She looked away, feeling embarassed for even considering asking him
"Can I what"
She closed her eyes, unable to remain eye contact with him
"Hold me"
She flinched when she heard him laugh, she knew she should have never asked
Going to turn away, she felt his warm fingers wrap around her waist and she was tugged back into his arms "fatat majnuna, you didnt have to ask" (crazy girl)

Neil looked down at Avni, and tightened his arm around her waist "Avni, are you crying"
"No" she said tearfully, pushing her face more into his chest
Neil stepped back, tipping her chin up "what's wrong" his eyes searched hers worriedly
"I thought you were laughing at me" she huffed out uncomfortably
"No, of course not, but you didnt need to ask, you can do what you like, I am yours"
Avni nodded, unsure what to do next, she had never had anything of her own, never had someone who had stuck around, the lines sometimes blurred between a mission and real life and right now the lines were very blurred


Neil and Avni arrived home, she offered to make him a drink as he sat down
She knew she was lacking behind in her mission and had to look through his stuff
With her back turned away from him she slipped the tablets in his coffee and stirred
She walked over to the table and placed the coffee infront of him
He smiled greatfully and blew his coffee
"We have a party to go to tonight, I hope thats okay"
She nodded "Of course"

Neil finished his coffee and stood up, faltering back she grabbed his arms to steady him
"Maybe you should go and lie down" she suggested
Neil agreed and with help from Avni walked to their room, he led down and she covered him with the blanket
Soon he fell unconscious and she grabbed her phone, calling Joseph
"Im going to look through his stuff now, for any plots or plans, if I find anything what should I do"
Joseph sighed "Bring him in for questioning"
Avni flinched, she knew their methods of questioning were not the nicest
"Yes sir, ill report back to you as soon as I can"

Avni sifted through the files in the drawer, she lifted one out, flicking through it then came across another one named 'Other Sheikh'
She opened it and looked through it, sighing heavily she sat down, she felt sick.
A list of formulas and weapons were listed, along with a map of enteries for the other Sheikh's home
Placing the file down she sighed, she really wanted to be right about Neil, but she wasnt.
"What are you doing looking through my files" a male voice shouted

Avni turned around, recognising the man to be Neil's cousin
"Neil asked me to bring something for him"
The man smiled, shutting the door behind him "Its Avni right, my name is Daai" she outstretched her hand, he took it and yanked her to his chest, making the file drop from her hands
"See I know Neil is asleep, so you wanna tell me what you're really doing in here"
Avni lifted her hand to his elbow, then slid it down to his wrist, she spun him around and pulled his arm behind his back

"If these files are yours, why are you trying to infiltrate the other Sheikh, making a new weapon by any chance"
Daai laughed heartily "Oh no, you wont get information from me that easily"
He kicked her shin and she fell forward, letting him go, he shoved her into the wall and wrapped his fingers around her throat, lifting her from the ground
"Who are you Avni, and why are you here"
Avni scratched at his wrist, he stepped closer and she lifted her leg, kicking him in the stomach and he dropped her to the floor, she stood up and punched him in the face

Wiping his lip with the back of his hand he chuckled darkly "Feisty I like it"
She went to run to the door but he lifted her by her waist and yanked her back
She grabbed the bed post and tried to get him to let go, but he smacked her head into the post
Eventually dropping her when she shoved her body back making him bang into the wall
"You bitch" he hissed, holding the back of his head
Avni turned, lifting her leg she kicked him across the face and gathered the file from the floor when the door was pushed open

"What the hell is going on in here" shouted Neil
Avni turned towards him and handed him the file "I heard a noise, came in here when I saw him looking through this file, when I questioned him he attacked me"
Neil's eyes softened and he gathered her in his arms
"How dare you touch my wife"
Daai spat the blood from his mouth
"You cant seriously believe her, its just because she likes it rough, she hasnt given it up to you yet, but she was more than happy to give it to me"

Neil grabbed him by the collar and dragged him up
"Get out of my house now before I do something I will regret"
Neil shoved him out of the front doors and turned back to Avni, cupping her cheeks
"Im so sorry habibi, are you okay"
She nodded and smiled "Just a scratch"
"You fought back well, where did you learn to defend yourself that way"
She shrugged "Adrenaline I guess"
"My muqaatil"
Avni frowned "What does that mean"
"My fighter" he muttered proudly and kissed her forehead


Avni rolled over, reaching out for Neil, only to find the place next to her was cold
She opened her eyes and looked at the clock 4:32am
Avni sat up, rubbing her eyes she walked to Neil's office to see him leant over Daai's file
She rested her hand on his shoulder and he turned to see her, he smiled up at her but his eyes were a dark red
"Neil, its late please come to bed"

He nodded and shut the file, standing up he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head in her hair
She stilled but then relaxed into his hold
"Im tired of everyone close to me betraying me, I dont understand it"
Then he pulled back and looked down at her
"You wont betray me will you"
Avni shook her head slowly and led him to bed, he led down and she sat next to him

He rested his head on her lap and she stroked his hair as he closed his eyes
"Just promise me you wont leave me, youre all I have"
Avni was glad he couldnt see the guilt all over her face, she leaned back and closed her eyes as Neil's breathing slowed as he fell asleep
Tomorrow would be the day she would tell Neil the truth.

Hello im sorry this has been so late, but I hope you enjoy it and I hope youre all well!

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