Part Twelve

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Neil's hands were hasty as they rubbed Avni's back, his declaration of love had not gone unheard, she raised her hands to his chest, closing her eyes as her hands went up to his collar, her eyes opened at the man staring at them with a gun, she yanked Neil down as the bullet bounded into the brick wall, lifted her leg and threw Neil off of her, shoving him to the floor she shoved her fist forward into the man's face, grabbed his gun and knocked him around the head with it

Neil looked on amazed at Avni's fighting skills, she raised her elbow, elbowing his nose, the crack sent a shudder down her spine but she shoved him to the floor, holding the gun to his head
"Tell me who sent you" she asked breathless
"In akhbar" (not telling) he mimicked childishly, Avni turned to Neil to ask what he had said
The man saw his chance and took it, jumping up he grabbed Avni and held the gun to her head

"Neil, its been to long, I knew you weren't dead" he smirked
Neil smirked "Missed me have you"
The man smiled "bialtaakid" (definitely)
Neil stepped closer "You can let her go, this is between us"
He looked down at Avni "I actually quite like having her body pressed up against mine"
Neil's face darkened as he stepped closer, ripping Avni from his arms, he grabbed him around the throat
"The only body my wife will be pressed up against to is mine" he held on tighter as he struggled, his lifeless body dropped to the floor

Avni walked over to Neil, it finally hit her that Neil had confessed his love to her
She raised both her arms, tucking them under his, she ran her hands across his chest and led her cheek against his back
Neil held her hands, lifting them he pressed a kiss to each one, rubbing circles over them with his thumbs
He turned around slowly, resting his forehead against hers "Forgive me habibi please, I dont know how to live without you"

"You managed to do it fine for two years" she guffawed
She released a sigh, she was tired, so tired of all the pain these two lonely years had caused her
"I know it seems impossible to forgive me, but I thought staying away was best for you"
"You had no right to make that decision on my behalf" she pulled away
"I know, I know that, please just"
"Please just what, forgive you, forgive you for leaving, for making me think you were dead, for breaking my heart, for leaving me, for"

Neil put his hand on her lips "I cant make you love me, I know that and I cant make you forgive me, but I will always love you, but if letting you go is what you want, then go, I wont hold you back"
Avni looked up, teary eyed "So youre just gonna let me go"
Neil thought for a second then nodded "Ill let you go, ill just be right behind you"
He cupped her cheek, pressing his lips to hers "My beautiful wife, ive missed you"

Avni couldnt help but moan into the kiss, she gasped, throwing her head back as Neil licked across her collar bone
"Come home with me habibi, we can fix this"
She gulped, closing her eyes, the three words on the tip of her tounge, but she wasnt a girl suitable for falling in love
She pulled away, turning on her heel, "Thought you said you'd be right behind me"
He smirked "I am, I was just enjoying the view"
He walked forward, picking her up in his arms "Just wait till we get home"

Ah home, Avni was finally home, in Neil's arms, how much she had missed his solace, his warmth
"Im still angry at you" she muttered into his neck
"Thats okay, you'll have all the time to take it out on me when we're home"


Neil put Avni down, she looked around the house, looking back over at Neil who rested against the wall, his arms crossed
"Do you like it"
Avni nodded, tracing the wall with her fingers, she wasnt sure how Neil had managed to keep the house, but she didnt care
"Do you still want to be a Sheikh"
Neil nodded, it was a part of him, something he didnt want to give up

Avni stepped closer to him, holding out her hand, she held his hand and tugged him forward, wrapping an arm around his shoulders she closed his eyes
He rubbed his nose on her neck " Esht omri abl menak youm, w amma getly tany , eshto kollo fi youm"
Avni pulled back "What does that mean"
Neil smiled, leaning closer to her ear " I lived my life before you, one day you came back to me, I lived my life in one day"
Avni smiled "Is it a song"
He nodded "I used to listen to it everyday, thinking of you"

Avni pulled back, her arms around his neck "I didnt take my Sheikh as the soppy kind"
Neil practically fell over with her words "Oh ill be anything if you call me yours again"
Avni smiled "ent laa" (You are mine)
Neil's jaw dropped "Did you just"
She nodded
"Say it again" his eyes glimmered
"Ent laa" (You are mine)
"Ya elahi" (my God) he muttered, his voice husky, "Since when did my wife learn Arabic" he brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers

"Oh I had a tutor"
Neil's brows furrowed "How was she"
"He" she corrected
Neil's eyes widened as Avni walked into the bathroom
"You come back here, hey" he slammed his hands on the door as Avni giggled, standing against it

What a jam packed chapter! What are your thoughts so far! A light chapter in comparison for what is to come!
Also, please check out my new FF's The RJ Who Taught Me To Love and Adiza Jaadoo

Sold To The Sheikh जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें