12. Let me hold you

Comenzar desde el principio

Hidan managed to get up and make his way through the crown to the bar.

I stayed there with my favourite blond barbie.
"(Y/n), let me be youuur boyfrieeend" Deidara whined beside me.

"No, no, Dei-dei" I said smiling.
"You're cruel" he replied snuggling into my shoulder.

"What the fuck is this?"
My eyes lazily searched the source of the voice. Oh there you are. In front of me hehe

"Madaaa~" I laughed seeing him clearly now.

"Hey you, get yourself off my girlfriend!" he said with a raised voice.

"That's your boyfriend, (Y/n)-chan?" he asked cracking one eye open at him.

"Mhm" I grinned tiredly.

"Here's the drink for my future girlfriend!" I heard some laughter behind Madara that was coming towards us, Hidan with my mojito! Yay!

"Ayyy" I laughed grabbing the drink from him.

Madara stood there bubbling with anger as he grabbed Hidan by his collar
"What did you just say?!"
"I just delivered a drink for my favourite girl. What's your problem, mate?" he asked cockily.

"My problem is that you're talking like that about MY girlfriend. And drop the mate or you're gonna drop off school very soon"

Hidan put his hand on his chest pretending to be taken back.
I giggled, this is so funnyyy.

"(Y/n) stop laughing. We're leaving"

"Nooo. You can't. I'm with my boyzz hehehee" I replied.

He grabbed my arm yanking me away from Deidara and Hidan.

My walking was all wibbly-wobbly (get this reference plz I'm gonna love you!)

He dragged me out of the bar, the grip on my arm strong, something you would expect from a man his size.

"Mada, you're hurting me" I whined getting out of his grasp.

"And what about me huh?! You think it doesn't hurt me seeing you all covered in other men?!"
He said in my face.

"Get in the fucking car, I'm taking you home" he said stopping and opening the door for me.

I got in, my mind feeling a bit more sober than before.

He sat in the driver's seat, his gaze lingering on me.

"You like making me jealous, don't you?" he asked annoyed.

"Of course no"
"Right. This is just like with Tobirama, Kisame or Kiba. You like tempting me..."
"You're jealous of Kiba?" I asked confused.
"I'm jealous of every guy close to you"
"That's stupid.."

"Stop tempting me, woman. It's not gonna end well!" he raised his voice at me again.

I shook my head, probably anything else I would say would end up with me getting slapped or something.

I didn't like making him jealous. Not really. I can't just handle all the guys around me all the time.

My hand moved to rest on his thigh.
He stiffened at the contact.

"I'm sorry, Madara" I said softly.
He sighed, his hands gripping the steering wheel tight.

Seems like I can't do anything with it now. I thought, my hand moving back into my lap.

I turned away from him, eyes following our surroundings in the night.

The car stopped, but not at my house.
I saw Madara turn to me from the corner of my eye.

There was this song again in the radio. Let me hold you..

I felt his hand on my thigh, and it moved up.

My eyes followed it's movement to my side where his thumb started rubbing it.

My gaze settled on his face. He looked rather sad.

"Come" he said.

I got out of the car, following him home.

He led me through the dark house upstairs, to his bedroom.

There he sat on the large bed.

I stood before him, his hands settling back on my hips.

"(Y/n).." he said softly, his head moving to press against my stomach, his arms going around my waist.

I moved my hands to his hair, it was soft and gorgeous as always.

I felt him press his lips to the fabric of my shirt, his hold tightening around me.
With his arms he pulled me down, to straddle his hips.

There still was that sad look in his eyes.

"Let only me hold you"


*sobs quietly*
What's gonna happen next?

You might as well want to listen to the mentioned song, there's a link above the fic^^


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