"Leave it! The only reason I've agreed to speak with you is because of a promise I made to someone who is accepting of me being a father again. I will not allow you to stay in my house after all the terrible and hurtful things you said to me and my son. Whether you choose to accept it or not, I have a little boy and it's my responsibility to make sure he feels safe in his own home."

"But..." Jack protested, immediately snapping his mouth shut when he saw the look on his son's face. Continuing into the house, Jack greeted Ducky with a handshake, "You're looking good, sir. How are you healing?"

Ducky glanced nervously at Gibbs and then back at Jack, "I'm going to leave you two to chat."

Clearing his throat, Gibbs gestured toward the couch, "Go sit down, Duck. You're in no condition to be trouncing upstairs. We'll talk in the basement."

The older man knew better than to argue with Gibbs and started back toward the couch, "If you two need anything please let me know. I may not be in the best physical shape, but that doesn't mean my brain is lacking."

"Nobody said it was, Duck. Please relax and don't even think about cleaning up the ice cream I spilled. I'll take care of it later." After Ducky was firmly planted on the couch, Gibbs crooked his finger at Jack, ordering him to follow him downstairs. The older man shivered slightly as he descended the stairs behind his son. He had spent plenty of time in the basement when he'd visited in the past, however this time it didn't have the same warm familiar feeling it normally did. He took a seat on one of the wooden stools and rubbed his hands together, trying to warm them. "Do you still keep some bourbon down here?" His eyes skimming over the crowded shelves. "I could sure use a drink to warm up after waiting out in the cold."

Gibbs shook his head and folded his arms across his chest, "You're not a guest here. In fact, you're lucky I allowed you to come inside rather than speaking to you out on the front porch."

Jack knew he was taking a chance when he decided to show up unexpectedly, but it was a risk he was willing to take in order to apologize. He wasn't even sure Leroy would agree to speak with him and now that he had, it was important he speak from the heart. The way he'd reacted and the argument the two had had made him physically ill and he needed to make peace. He'd let his son down when he needed him the most and would never forgive himself for that. "Please take a seat, Leroy."

Huffing, Gibbs leaned back against the counter, "I'd rather stand."

"Very well." Jack responded as he peeled back his coat, reached into the inside pocket and pulled out a small leather bound journal that tied in the front. After straightening the tie and bending the leather back into place he extended his arm in Gibbs' direction and mumbled, "There's something you need to read in here, son."


Tony quickly scooped another spoonful of ice cream into Timmy's awaiting mouth, chuckling at the satisfied look on the toddler's face. After retreating to the bedroom they had all failed to console Timmy who only wanted his daddy and rightfully so. It wasn't until Tony noticed Abby's half-eaten bowl of ice cream that they were able to calm him down. Now, Tim sat comfortably in Abby's lap while Tony continued to feed him. They all hoped that once the bowl was empty they could distract him long enough for Gibbs to speak with Jack.

Tony knew there had been a disagreement between the two men in Stillwater and that Jack had said some upsetting things, but he was unsure how cruel the elderly man had been until he saw Gibbs' reaction when he opened the door. Over the past month it had become evident to the others that something had happened as Gibbs never mentioned his father, but raved about Tim's honorary grandparents, Ezra and Iris. They all knew that Gibbs had had issues with his father in the past and hoped the two men would eventually work it out.

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