Episode 20: True Hero

Start from the beginning

Akeno: Such craftsmanship on a weapon, wasted on a poor excuse for man that doesn't know how to properly use it.

Yoshino stood up slowly with his hand covering his broken nose. The anger in his eyes was clear but he stayed silent.

Takashi: What's the matter? Did my knee knock some of your teeth down your throat?

Yoshino finally snapped.

Yoshino: You shut the hell up! I won't be talked down to by some freak of nature and a foot solider. The world will never accept you and you are easily replaced!

Akeno rolled the barrel of Yoshino's pistol counting four bullets remaining. She looked at Yoshino after his outburst and all the pity that was starting to build inside Akeno was replaced with pure annoyance.

Akeno: You know what I really hate about you nobles? You think that you're gods and that you stand over everyone else, but someone like you that thinks they can just walk over people doesn't deserve to walk in my opinion.

Akeno put two of the remaining four bullets into Yoshino's knees forcing him to fall. He howled in pain and began to cry but Akeno thought that how he looked now was nothing more than his true colors.

Akeno: On the outside you're royalty, richer beyond you're wildest dreams, drowning in booze women and your own greed. Strip that all away and you're weak, and you have nothing that actually matters. Think about that as you live out the rest of your life but come anywhere near us and I will end you slowly and painfully. Do we understand.

Yoshino was still overwhelmed with the pain in his legs but when he looked up and saw the raw aggression in Akeno's eyes he quickly nodded in agreement. Akeno turned and walked away and Takashi followed. The two of them took a triumphant walk back to the submarine where everyone else was waiting to greet them.

Ren: You two look happy.

Takashi: Akeno and Yoshino had a bit of a chat, I don't think he'll have the balls to mess with us again.

Akeno: I also think I might have just handed in my resignation and dishonored my whole family.

Takashi: Do you regret it?

Akeno: Not really.

Takashi: Then we're all good.

Kai: We're ready to depart when you guys are.

Takashi: Good shit! I am tired of this place!

Akeno: I've been stuck here for a whole week and you're tired after a few hours?

Sun: Seems like more reason to get us all back home.

Kai: All in favor say aye.

Everyone: AYE!

Everyone climbed into the submarine and made their way back home but after everything that went down, it didn't seem right to not have a celebration so plans were made and a few days later, everyone had a group trip to the beach. Takashi visited his grandparents again and told them all about the adventures he had been having, Akeno was introduced and treated as a member of the family. The highlight of the day however was the barbecue at night where everyone was dancing around a campfire, playing with fireworks or enjoying good food. There was happiness being spread all around especially for Akeno and Takashi who sat together at the shore watching the waves crash against the ocean.

Takashi: I didn't expect us to be back here so soon.

Akeno: I'm happy that we are though.

Takashi: That's a fact.

Akeno: So since I don't work for Yoshino anymore doesn't that mean our arranged marriage is no longer enforced?

Takashi: Hey, I won't say anything if you won't. Besides this way I don't have to get all formal and ask all romantically and stuff. I'm terrible at those kind of moments.

Akeno: You're better at it then you give yourself credit for. Also.....I wouldn't mind being asked, especially since you already know my answer.

For a moment there was silence between the two of them so Takashi decided to break it. He stood up and offered his hand to Akeno who took it and stood up beside him.

Takashi: Sometimes I really hate that I plan things ahead like this.

Akeno: What do you mean?

It was then that Takashi pulled out a small box from his pocket. He opened it up to show Akeno a sapphire ring.

Takashi: Masa told me there were some spots that had buried treasure in the ocean, old legends and things like that. I wanted your wedding ring to be something really special so I went chasing ghosts for a bit and I found a sapphire. I had it turned into this ring. 

Akeno: It's beautiful, this must've been so hard to find.

Takashi: You don't need to stress how hard it was to get. The point is that it's here now.

Takashi then took Akeno's hand as he got down on one knee.  Akeno was finding it hard to contain herself. She was shaking all over and blushing a bright red.

Takashi: You're making me nervous too now.

Akeno: Sorry.

Takashi: It's fine.

Takashi needed a moment to take a deep breath and collect his thoughts. He knew this wasn't going to be perfect but he wanted to get as close as  possible.

Takashi: Akeno Shiranui, we didn't meet on the best terms and the first time we met we thought we were going to be forced to spend the rest of our lives together. You moved into my home, enrolled in my school, met my parents and befriended my friends. We've fought so many battles together and I wouldn't be afraid to fight a thousand more if it meant that by the end of it all I'd be with you.

Takashi took the ring out of the box and held it in his fingers. The moonlight reflecting off the ocean made the ring shine brightly.

Takashi: Akeno, even though we both no the answer because we literally talked about it a few minutes ago, will you marry me?

Akeno: I'd be an idiot not to say yes.

Tears of joy started to stream from Akeno's eyes as Takashi put the ring around her finger. it was a moment where neither of them could be any happier.

Akeno: So are you waiting for an invitation or are you gonna kiss me?

Takashi: If an invitation is coming it would be rude to not get it.

Akeno: Just kiss me.

They laughed as Takashi scooped Akeno off the ground. They stared at each other as the moonlight added a spark to their eyes and as the night ended they shared a kiss so passionate that it would never be matched until the big day.

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