Episode 11: Battle of the gods

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A normal day, a normal day, all Takashi wanted was a normal day. There would be no new mermaids, especially not ones that had some crazy reason to try and kill him. What was it that made having a normal day so hard to have. It soon became that Takashi wished that things at least wouldn't get weirder but that prayer got put on hold. It was the start to another day at school and Takashi had just woken up to his alarm clock. He rolled over to turn it off and found himself facing his window but his vision was blurry. He couldn't tell exactly but there wasn't as much light coming in from the window so he rubbed his eyes to shake the blurry ness and when it became clear he saw a massively muscular blonde man covering majority of the window with a sign that Takashi read saying "Lunar is my life."

Takashi: DIE!!!!

He had no hesitation in driving his arms forward, charging a neon blast that blew the window away but the man had dodged and disappeared. Akeno, Sun and Lunar rushed up to the attic to check on Takashi.

Akeno: What happened?!

Sun: Are you alright?

Lunar: I still had 5 minutes of beauty sleep left asshole.

The sign that man held stuck in Takashi's mind so the only logical thing to do was to dash over to Lunar with his neon speed and punch her in the face.

Lunar: OWWWWW WHAT THE F***!!!!

Takashi: Something tells me that later that punch will be justified.

Takashi was on his toes for the rest of the day. He examined his breakfast for traps or drugs, as he walked to school he would lock anyone that got to close in a headlock and interrogate them. It made Sun and Lunar scared for their well-being but Akeno felt worried. She knew this wasn't like him and those kind of actions could only mean two things: something big was bothering him or that wasn't Takashi. It was more likely that something was bothering him but that didn't stop Akeno from pulling Takashi behind the gates of the school and attempting to take his face off.


Akeno: I'm getting to the bottom of this mystery!

Takashi: By ripping my face off?!!

Akeno: That's how it works in cartoons!

Takashi: They're wearing masks Akeno!

She finally let go and Takashi could feel his face burning from her hands gripping him so tight.

Takashi: It burns.

Akeno: So what's bothering you?

Takashi: Aside from the soreness in my face muscles?

Akeno: I was just making sure you were you.

Takashi: Why wouldn't I be me?!

Akeno: You're acting weird so I deduced that either there was an issue or you were not you. It seemed more likely that there was just something on your mind but I was being thorough and decided to eliminate the option.

Takashi: So much pain.

Akeno: What's wrong?

Takashi: Ok.....when I woke up there was this massive guy outside of my window.

Akeno: So you blasted him out of fear.

Takashi: More so anger because he held a sign that said Lunar is my life.

Akeno: Wait......was this man in a black skin tight suit with sunglasses. Possibly blonde hair and looks like he belongs in American movie about evil robots?

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