Episode 7: The Sun and Moon Collide

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The lights were shining, the crowd was roaring full of teenage boys and among them all was Takashi and Chimp.


Takashi: Can we leave yet?!

They didn't leave anytime soon a Luna played three encores but Takashi was happy to get out of there when he did.

Chimp: So how did you like the concert Takashi?

Takashi: Hated it.


Out of aggravation Takashi punched Chimp into the concrete they walked on and then picked him up by his collar.

Takashi: As much as I am a fan of Lunar there is nothing I can't stand more THAN STUPID FANBOYS SCREAMING THEIR HEADS OFF. I'm going home to take a pill form my headache. I'll see you tomorrow.

Takashi slammed Chimp on the sidewalk one more time for good measure before the two parted ways for the night. Come the next morning Takashi played out his normal routine at school and it went off without a single mishap which was unusual. It made him think that things were finally starting to get a little bit normal. The only downside was that it started to rain and Akeno and Sun had after school activities to handle so Takashi went home alone. He rushed back with his backpack covering his head and as he was coming up to his house he saw three people in front of it. Two of them were big buff black men and one of them was holding a radio over his shoulder while the remaining one was a girl who was on the ground. Her pink hair tied into pig tails and the eyes of a star shined bright. Takashi couldn't believe it considering she was quite angry about getting caught in the rain but none the less it was Takashi's favorite pop star Lunar. While Takashi was excited he wondered why she was on the floor so he looked at her legs and was shocked to see that she had a fishtail as well.

Takashi: Oh shit.

Lunar: Hmm? Hey that kid sees me! Get him

Bouncers: Yes mam!

The two of them rushed toward Takashi but then split into opposite directions. Takashi remained standing where he was and threw his backpack into the air and when he did the two bouncers came at him from his left and his right side. With no desire to start a full scale fight Takashi created a neon orb in his hand and then dropped it on the ground. A few seconds later the orb exploded creating a field that knocked the bouncers into the air and held them in a stasis slowing their decent. As they fell Takashi caught his bag and then walked over to Lunar who was shocked and in fear.

Takashi: I'm assuming you're arrival has to do with Akeno and or Sun

Lunar: Y-you know them?

Takashi: Considering they live with me in my house, yes. So how can I help you?

Lunar: Well you can first take me inside and dry my legs off.

Takashi: Fine.

Takashi picked Luna up and took her inside.

Takashi: Oh wait, I forgot.

Takashi snapped his fingers causing the two men that were in stasis to fall and hit the ground hard. As Takashi carried Lunar in he grabbed a towel and handed it to her so she could dry off her own legs as he went to the kitchen to get drinks.

Lunar: You expect me to dry my own legs.

Takashi: After coming to my place unannounced and ordering your guys to attack me? Damn right.

Lunar: I hope you don't treat all of your guest like this?

Takashi: And I was hoping you were a lot sweeter. Guess we're both disappointed.

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