Episode 19: An Unexpected Wedding Day

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The recent days had been quiet for the most part. It was almost like everyone was starting to settle down into a normal lifestyle. There was still the occasional small crisis that required cleaning up like when Lunar tried to use Maki as a ventriloquist dummy or when Takashi was slipped a drug that turned him massive (maybe that wasn't a small crisis). Overall things were getting progressively more normal and Takashi found himself doing something he hadn't had the time to do in awhile and that was relax and play some video games on a Saturday. Takashi worried that he would've been rusty but once he got started everything was retained by muscle memory. It wasn't long before Akeno came downstairs and she decided to sit next to him and watch.

Akeno: I've always noticed the gaming console but never saw you playing it.

Takashi: Haven't had the time.

Akeno: Because you're always dealing with mermaid problems?

Takashi: Not all the problems we've been dealing with were mermaid related.

Akeno: Name one.

Takashi: Okay so all of them were mermaid related. I'm trying to make you feel better here.

Akeno smiled and laughed before she began to lean on Takashi's shoulder.

Akeno: I don't need to feel better, we cause a lot of trouble but it brings us closer together.

Takashi: Which is why I have no complaints.

Akeno: Except wishing Lunar wasn't such a pain.......or Kai or Maki or Gozaburo, Fujishiro, Chimp and Mawari.

Takashi: Chimp and Mawari were always gonna be a pain in my ass.

Akeno: My point still stands. 

Takashi: I know.

Everything was peaceful until Akeno's phone started to ring. She walked away so she wouldn't distract Takashi while she answered the phone but when she return her expression wasn't as happy as it was before. It wasn't sad either but that still told Takashi that she had news that he might not like so he paused the game and braced himself for impact.

Takashi: Who was on the phone?

Akeno: It was Yoshino, apparently he's preparing an event and he needs me on guard duty. I'll need to leave for a few days.

Takashi was relieved to know that it wasn't as bad as he thought. Ren told Takashi to be careful around Yoshino but he never gave Takashi a reason to believe he had any hostile intentions. Also, he's the reason that he and Akeno are together so in that aspect Takashi was in debt to the man.

Takashi: Well, when duty calls you have to answer. How long will you be gone?

Akeno: No longer than a week apparently but I need to get my stuff ready to leave today.

Takashi: Jeez, must be a really important event.

Akeno: Honestly it's probably another one of his big extravagant parties that he likes to throw. The man is smart but he's a spoiled rich kid at his core.

Takashi: Sounds like you don't like him all that much.

Akeno: I disagree with how he handles things sometimes but, like you said, duty calls.

Takashi: Want me to help you pack?

Akeno: I'd appreciate that.

Takashi and Akeno went to Akeno's room which she had shared with Sun. Surprisingly Sun was still fast asleep with Maki and Mako right next to her.

Akeno: Sun and Maki have really gotten used to having a cat around.

Takashi: Still can't believe how afraid they were of Mako when I found him.

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