Episode 2: An acception to the rule?

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There was complete silence in the room and everyone's eyes were on Takashi, who stood in a calm matter, and Gozaburo who was still sitting on his butt with a new scar on his chest.
Masa: What in the hell was that.
Takashi: Sorry you guys aren't the only one with a secret.
Takashi: I'M NOT AN ALIEN!
Sun: Then what are you?
Gozaburo: HE'S DEAD MEAT!!
Gozaburo had dashed towards Takashi with a sword in hand. As he swung toward his head Takashi's body emitted a bright purple light and he vanished leaving Gozaburo with nothing but a light clone to cut through. Takashi then appeared behind him charging light into his hand and punching Gozaburo in his back which sent him crashing through the wall into the next room.
Takashi: Are we done? I'd like to go home now.
Masa: I'm afraid I don't think it's that simple.
Takashi: What now?
Masa: Your not the only one who can put clues together. While you can do that, your quivering parents suggest they don't have the same gift as you and if you were born from them then at some point you were indeed human.
Takashi: So where does that leave us then.
Masa: I'm afraid there, I have know idea. That's something we would have to take up with the head noble.
Gozaburo: You think we're taking this punk to the head noble!
Takashi: I can gladly knock you on your ass again.
Takashi: OK LET'S GO!
????: How about you not wreck the rest of the house!
Gozaburo: But Ren, this punk has it coming!
Ren: I know better to know that if anyone started a fight it was probably you Gozaburo.
Ren had walked in through the hole in the wall that Gozaburo made and from the towel around her waist, that room must've been a spa of some sorts.
Gozaburo: But honey.
Ren: Quiet. If we can settle this by taking them to see Yoshino than that's what we'll do.
Takashi: Please tell me we have a better way of getting there than you dragging us under water.
Ren: We'll let Yoshino know and he'll send a craft for you and your family. In the meantime you must be starving, would you three like to join us for dinner?
Mom: Oh we greatly appreciate your hospitality.
Dad: We'd be honored to join you, just please don't hurt us.
Takashi: Why am I related to them.
Everyone managed to calm down and as the call was made they sat together eating a feast. Everything was calm except for the tension between Takashi and Gozaburo who continued to glare at each other. Ren couldn't take that kind of frustration so she broke their focus by asking Takashi a question.
Ren: So Takashi, how long have you had these powers.
Takashi: It's been 3 years now.
Ren: And your parents knew.
Mom: From the moment they showed up. It would've been hard for Takashi to adjust to those powers alone.
Ren: How heartwarming.
Takashi: Yeah, the food is delicious by the way.
Ren: I'll let the chef know.
Takashi: Now I'll ask a question. You guys are more than mermaids right?
Ren: Good eye. We're the Seto family, a Yakuza.
Takashi's parents were in the middle of drinking tea but once they heard the word Yakuza they spat it out across the table.
Mom: Y-Yakuza?
Dad: Surely you are joking right?
Ren: No, we are a legitimate Yakuza.
Gozaburo: And your son just became prime enemy number one!
Takashi: How bout you come over here and say that to my face!
Gozaburo: I'll fill your face with bullet holes you maggot!
Takashi: How bout I give you another mark on your chest. The one that's there already looks lonely!
If it wasn't for Masa and the gang holding Gozaburo and Takashi back they were likely to start another war and nobody wanted that. Luckily before there was bloodshed Ren's phone rang.
Ren: Hello? It's here? We'll be right out.
She hung up and put the phone in her pocket.
Ren: Our ride is here so please try to kill each other later.
They both growled at each other but they calmed down allowing everyone to go outside to see their ride. It was a submarine as big as the ones used for military services but Takashi and his family still had to be dragged through the water from the underwater Seto estate to the ship. While they were inside Takashi took a seat and Sun took the seat right next to him.
Sun: Sorry about my dad being so mean.
Takashi: It's cool.
Sun: What's cool is how you willing to go toe to toe with him. Most people would just wet themselves.
Takashi: I'm not most people. Anyway I hope I didn't offend you, saying I won't marry you.
Sun: I get it. You believe that should be a mutual decision, not forced.
Takashi: Yeah, thanks for understanding.
Sun: So how did you get your powers.
Takashi: That's a long story. I'll tell you another time.
Sun: Awwwww I wanna know now.
Takashi: I just don't want to be interrupted by us getting there.
Sun: Ok, but promise you'll tell me when this is all sorted out.
Takashi: Promise.
Sun had a bright smile on her face and it made Takashi feel better about the situation he was in. In less than an hour they arrived at a mansion built into the side of an underwater cliff. The submarine entered through a tunnel that led to a docking pool inside the mansion where everyone exited the sub.
Takashi: Well this place is fancy.
Gozaburo: Don't touch anything little runt.
Ren: Honey, be nice. Yoshino is this way.
Ren lead Takashi, his family, and the Seto gang through the estate with its many rooms, bars, halls for parties and a bunch of other stuff, but finally they made it to the chamber of the noble man himself guarded by a woman with a large sword strapped to her back.
????: Ms. Seto, glad you could make it.
Ren: Nice to see you too Akeno.
Akeno: Yoshino wishes to hear the explanation directly from you. The humans are to wait out here.
Ren: Understood. Sun how about you wait with Takashi. Dad and I will talk to Yoshino.
Sun: Sure thing mom.
Gozaburo: You touch my daughter I'll kill you no mater what.
Gozaburo was expecting a witty comeback but Takashi paid him no mind at all. Instead he was staring at Akeno for some reason with a strange look in his eye. In the meantime Ren grabbed Gozaburo by his ear and dragged him into the room. On the outside Sun and Takashi stood silently as Takashi continued to stare.
Sun: You think she's cute.
Takashi: Huh what?
Sun: You do!
Takashi: I do not!
Sun: You should go talk to her.
Takashi: Really? B-but what should I say?
Sun: Anything! Show off your light powers, do something.
Takashi: Actually it's neon powers.
Sun: Whatever just go talk to her.
Sun ran up behind Takashi and began pushing him towards Akeno.
Takashi: Wait I haven't had enough time to think!
Sun: Just say what's on your mind.
Takashi tried to resist but it was too late. He was already inches away from Akeno and she had noticed Takashi as well.
Akeno: Can I be of service to you?
Takashi: U-um no its just that....
Akeno: Yes?
Takashi: Um.... That's a really cool looking sword. Is that real?
Akeno: Oh this? Yes, it's a family heirloom passed down to me by my mother.
Takashi: It's amazing.
Akeno: Thank you. I'm Akeno and you must be the one causing trouble.
Takashi: I wouldn't say causing trouble but I'm Takashi.
Akeno: Well it is nice to make your accuaintance. If you need anything feel free to ask.
Takashi: W-well actually I was thinking-
Before Takashi could continue the main chamber door opened and a man with long silver hair walked out flanked by Ren and Gozaburo. His appearance made Akeno kneel in an instant as he walked toward the two of them.
Ren: Takashi, this is Yoshino.
Takashi: Um, sup.
Yoshino: Sup kid, I was hoping you could demonstrate some of these powers of yours.
Takashi: Right now? Ok.
Takashi took a second to think about what he was going to do but decided on a favorite. He took a few steps back as well as a few deep breaths before his body became cloaked in neon light. After that he ran at high speed around the whole group leaving a trail of neon behind him and coming to a sliding stop in front of Yoshino again.
Takashi: So is that good enough?
Yoshino: Dude, that was totally sick!
Takashi: So you'll let us go?
Yoshino: No.
Takashi: WHAT?!
Yoshino: Sorry bud. While you do have a special condition you are still without a doubt human. Meaning your only options are marriage or death for you and your family.
Takashi: Are you kidding me?
Yoshino: Don't worry, I know just how to sweeten up the deal. Allow me to introduce your knew bride, AKENO SHIRAINUIN!
Akeno: What?
Sun: What?
Takashi: WHAT?!!

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