Episode 18: Forgotten Bonds

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After the entire fiasco with the popularity potion the school needed to take some time to recover which provided Takashi with a few days of reprieve, most of it he enjoyed with Akeno. The two of them had become close to inseparable and Takashi couldn't be happier. Once school started back up, everything was running on full steam to make up for the lost time. There were papers to write, physical education was pushed way over 900, Ren started seeing more patients come in on the daily just because of pure exhaustion. The entire place was stuck in overdrive and only so many students could keep up. Chimp, Kai and Lunar crashed under the workload, Takashi was in the middle, just barely keeping himself alive but Akeno, Sun and Mawari were at the top of the class and were shaking everything off like a it was a cool breeze on a summer day. The group of friends thought it would be cool to meet up for lunch in the cafeteria. Chimp, Lunar and Kai were as pale as corpses while Takashi was sweating bullets but everyone else looked just fine.

Mawari: Look's like some people can't handle a little bit of hard work.

Lunar and Kai were unresponsive and Chimp's soul was starting to leave his body until Takashi grabbed it and forced it back in.

Sun: Maybe some food would help.

Takashi: At the state that they're in they would need to be spoon fed and there isn't a chance in hell of me doing that.

Sun decided to pick up a piece of sushi from her lunch and she put it in Lunar's mouth. Lunar found the power to chew and swallow and that returned some color to her skin.

Lunar: Why do we have to suffer every time bad stuff happens to the school.

Takashi: I really wonder why we suffer when we're all such an innocent group of people.

Lunar: Don't give me sarcasm.

Mawari: Well, looks like you guys finally got what you deserved for all the trouble you caused.

Mawari took a sip of her water with such confidence in herself.

Takashi: You got me hit by a car.

It was then that Mawari spat out the water into Chimp and Kai's faces. The two of them shot up from their comas while Mawari choked on the water for a few seconds.

Kai: The workload of this school is scrutinizing

Sun: Didn't you learn how to operate a submarine?

Takashi: With enough weaponry to level a small country.

Kai: While I can see how you're impressed with my knowledge that was years of training versus the amount of cramming that we're doing in just a few days!

Chimp: I haven't looked at my secret stash in hours because of school.

Takashi: I see Chimp's future as a butcher starting to turn.

Sun: I don't get it.

Lunar: He's gonna tear up his meat the first chance he gets.

Sun: Oooooooohh.......eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww

Kai: Chimp, provide me with a beverage.

Chimp: Yes my liege!

Even with the fatigue, Chimp brought Kai an opened can of soda within less than a few seconds.

Takashi: So much for being overworked.

Akeno: How are you handling things Takashi?

Takashi: I wouldn't call it handling.

Mawari: More like surviving.

Takashi: What she said.

Akeno: Well, I'm always free to help you if things get overwhelming.

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