Episode 3: My wife is still a mermaid

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It was a nice summer morning. The sky was clear, grass was green, you could hear the sounds of people enjoying themselves at the beach. You could almost forget all the problems you once had on a day like today. But Takashi problems won't be forgotten that easily especially since he'll be spending this day with the problem aka the Seto family and his new fiance Akeno. It was still crazy how fast it all happened. It was literally yesterday that Takashi's life was on the line but then his patron saint Yoshino decided to make the girl that he had a first site crush on his new bride to be. In ways Takashi was happy and in ways he was worried. Maybe it was that he doesn't know Akeno that well, or maybe it was the weird looks that he saw between Yoshino and Sun's mother Ren. From what Takashi could tell, Ren found something suspicious about Yoshino's decision. But Takashi could only dwell on the past for so long because he had a date on the beach. Well, not an actual date because Sun was hosting as a guide to a private island. He met Akeno and Sun on the beach where they had a ship ready to go.
Sun: Takashi, are you ready?
Takashi: I'm all set. Morning Akeno.
Akeno: Good morning.
Akeno's tone showed no happiness in her predicament but no sadness either. She was just purely blank and it mad Sun and Takashi a little uncomfortable.
Sun: Well let's not sit around, hop on.
The two sat on the ship but there was a large gap in between them so Sun decided to take a seat next to Takashi and they began whispering to each other.
Sun: Talk to her about something.
Takashi: About what? I've sorta been thrown into the fire here.
Sun: Oh I know!
She sat across from Takashi and Akeno with a smile on her face but Takashi wasn't sure about what she had plan.
Sun: So Takashi, how did you get your powers?
Akeno actually lifted her head from staring at the ground. Apparently that was something she was curious about herself and now all eyes were on Takashi.
Takashi: Oh yeah, like my parents said it was a few years ago. I was having probably the crappiest day of my life. The students at school stole my umbrella and it was a serious storm outside and I had to walk home in it. I couldn't see anything in the rain because it was so bad but in the distance I saw the lights of a store and walked towards them.
Akeno: What does this have to do with your powers?
Takashi: I'm getting to that. When I walked toward the store I didn't realize I was crossing the street until I saw lights coming toward me from the right. In a matter of seconds a truck was heading right toward me and I didn't have time to move.
Sun: Did you die?!!!
Sun: Sorry.
Takashi: No I didn't die. At the last second I put my hands up to block it like I could actually survive and the next thing I know a beam shot out of my hands and blew up the truck.
Akeno: So that's how your abilities were awoken.
Takashi: Yeah and like my parents said it was hard to adjust. Once they popped up I had no control over them, even when I moved my body could go neon in am instant and I'll be twenty feet in a direction in an instant.
Akeno: You were tormented by your own abilities.
Takashi: That's putting it in simple terms.
Akeno: But you overcame it so you should feel proud.
Takashi: I should?
Akeno: Yes because you triumphed over the challenge within you. Shouldn't that give you a sense of relief?
Takashi: Yeah, I guess it did. Thanks Akeno.
Akeno's face turned slightly red but she kept her composure. Then Takashi looked back to Sun who had a smile on her face knowing her plan worked to get them talking to each other. When Takashi realized it he was actually happy he met Sun because she really is a good friend. A few mintues later they arrived at the island which was pretty small but still beautiful to look at. The three of them jumped off the boat and took a moment to breathe in that fresh sea water air.
Takashi: I can't believe you guys actually own an island.
Sun: It's just a quiet place where we can actually be mermaids and not worry about other people seeing us.
Takashi: Well its beautiful. Hey Sun, I'm curious why you and your family want to help out like this.
Sun: Oh, my mom said something about not trusting Yoshino as far as dad could throw him.
Takashi: ........oh.
Akeno: Perhaps we should enjoy the beach.
Takashi: Good idea.
The girls had worn their swimsuits under their regular clothes so all they had to do was take them off but as they did that a little girl appeared on Sun's shoulder, a really little girl.
Sun: Oh hey Maki. I forgot you were coming with us.
Maki: Of course! I wouldn't want to miss a day at the beach.
Her voice was very high pitched in an annoying way but she seemed like a nice person so Takashi didn't mind. Sun went into the water to play with Maki and Takashi was getting ready to join them but he turned to see that Akeno was only sitting on the beach so instead Takashi decided to sit next to her.
Takashi: Don't feel like swimming?
Akeno: I'll be fine here. You should go have fun with them.
Takashi: Nah if you want to stay here then I'll stay with you.
Akeno: Why would you do that?
Takashi: Well we are supposed to be married so I guess we need to get used to each other.
Akeno: I see.
So they sat on the beach but it wasn't long until Sun splashed water on the both of them.
Sun: Get in the water you two!
Akeno: Ugh! Sun you idiot!
Takashi: Hey your legs didn't change.
Akeno: Mermaids that are strong enough can withstand a little water.
Takashi: Oh really?
Takashi decided to get an idea which would either get him beat or make this trip a little more fun for Akeno.
Akeno: Where?!!
While Akeno was distracted Takashi grabbed her legs and dragged her into the water holding her legs under.
Akeno: T-takashi let me go!
Takashi: Maybe.
Takashi then scooped up some water and splashed it her face.
Akeno: Dammit Takashi what are you trying to do?
Takashi: Get you to have fun!
Takashi kept splashing her and eventually Akeno's legs changed into her mermaid tail letting her slip out of Takashi's hands.
Akeno: Ok that's it!
She used her tail and slammed it against the water causing a large amyt to hit Takashi causing him to fall on his back but he didn't even stay donw a full minute.
Takashi: You gotta try harder than that.
Takashi bounced back up and continued his assault and Akeno went in to deeper water where she could swim freely using her advantage. From there it became an all put water war and to make things better, Sun and Maki decided to join and it became a battle for the ages. Eventually though Akeno out powered them and stood triumphant over her fallen victims and she actually cracked a smile.
Takashi: Mission accomplished.

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