Episode 19: An Unexpected Wedding Day

Start from the beginning

The two of them moved quietly as they grabbed Akeno's clothes and packed them in a suitcase. It wasn't a hard job and they managed to finish it up in no time so Takashi thought it would be nice to make something to eat. The two of them went downstairs into the kitchen and began pondering what they wanted to eat.

Akeno: Curry?

Takashi: Not feeling spicy.

Akeno: Ramen

Takashi: It'll never compare to professional ramen shops.

Akeno: True.....sushi?

Takashi: Easy to make and easy to make a mess with, plus we have a bunch of ingredients to make different kinds of sushi.

Akeno: Let's get started then.

The two of them got started cutting fish, cooking rice, chopping vegetables and putting it all together to make it look the best it could. When they were done they had a decent looking dish of Sashimi with rice as a side dish. The two of them set the food down in the living room and decided to chow down while putting a movie on, completely ignoring the mess that was made in the kitchen.

Akeno: We're gonna clean up when we're done right?

Takashi: I'll handle it later. Let's just enjoy ourselves.

The sashimi turned out well and it was delicious. When they finished the two of them were stuffed and almost as if it was on cue Akeno's phone rang again. She answered and listened for a few seconds before hanging up the phone.

Akeno: Apparently my ride is here.

It was then that a horn was blown outside of Takashi's house. The two of them went outside to see a white limo waiting for them.

Takashi: Limos are a thing for the yakuza aren't they?

Akeno: If they made submarine limos we'd be the first to be using them.

Takashi put Akeno's bag in the trunk while Akeno waited by the open door of the limo. When Takashi was done he return to Akeno to say goodbye.

Takashi: So, a week without you is going to be weird.

Akeno: Maybe there will be less problems around town.

Takashi: You're the one leaving, not Lunar.

Akeno: Good point, you can survive until I get back, right?

Takashi: I might have a few battle scars  but I'll be right here waiting.

Akeno: I'll grab a doctor's outfit on the way back so we can properly treat those scars.

The two of them had a good laugh until the limo driver blew the horn again signaling that they needed to go. Akeno still didn't want to leave so without Takashi realizing, she grabbed his shirt, pulled him toward her and kissed him. Takashi was left speechless for a minute while Akeno got in the limousine and closed the door. Before limo drove off though, Akeno rolled down the window so she could say one last thing.

Akeno: Takashi?

Takashi managed to snap out of his daze and looked at Akeno.

Takashi: Yeah?

Akeno: I love you.

Takashi couldn't help but to turn a bright red. He was completely caught off guard and for a got lost in what he should say but hearing the limo drive off snapped him back to reality. Takashi chased after it with his neon speed and rate beside Akeno's window.

Takashi: I love you too!

Akeno turned just as red as Takashi was but she still had a big smile on her face. Takashi decided to slow down as the limo pulled ahead and the two of them waved at each other until the limo was out of sight and Takashi returned home. The journey to Yoshino's club took awhile but it wasn't anything that Akeno wasn't used to. The journey went from a limo to the beach, to a submarine that took Akeno to her destination where Yoshino was waiting to greet Akeno personally.

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