SWS - Kellin Quinn

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No one believed you when you told them you were raped. It wasn't something you wanted to keep quiet, you wanted someone to care enough to help you through this hard time. No matter who you told, you were called a liar and attention seeking because no one would ever want to rape you.

People accused you of crying wolf, and slowly one by one they abandoned you, disowned and ignored you. Your only solace was to turn to drink, and it did help numb some of the pain.


It had been three months since anyone had seen or heard from y/n. She had accused the band's longtime producer of rape during an album release show which he'd denied. And regretfully one by one y/n's friends, the rest of the band including myself distanced ourselves. y/n had a flair for the dramatic and sometimes liked to over exaggerate things, it was in her nature.

Today we were in the studio discussing new songs when I excuse myself to get some fresh air having been cooped up inside all morning. As I walk out of the room and around the corner I see our producer talking to one of the girls who worked at the studio.

"Is it true you raped someone?" she asks directly.

I was curious what his answer would be so I get my phone out and press record.

He shrugs his shoulders casually, "so what if I did, no one believed her and I got away with it. Do you fancy getting coffee?"

The girl shakes her head, disgust on her face, "y/n was a nice girl, you're a creep and a pervert."

I stop recording and stand back in horror at what I'd just heard. He had admitted to raping y/n and he sounded so gleeful that he hadn't been caught. God, I was an awful friend, I threw y/n aside like she was nothing. She hadn't cried wolf, she was telling the truth. I needed to find her, and I knew exactly where she'd be.


The curtains were shut but y/n's car was in the car park meaning she was in. I find the spare key and open the front door, not knowing what I'd find on the other side, and if y/n even wanted to see me after I was a dick to her.

The room was dark but one thing stood out, and that was the sheer amount of empty alcohol bottles scattered on every surface. y/n had been a friend a very long time and she always turned to drink when she was in pain.

"What the fuck are you doing here Kellin?" y/n slurs, appearing from the kitchen wobbling slightly.

"I know the truth y/n and I'm so sorry."

y/n snorts loudly before pushing past me to sit on the sofa, "you didn't believe me back then Kells, no one believed me...called me a liar..."

This was gut-wrenching to watch. y/n use to be full of life and cheery, and now she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks and very much broken head to toe. I take out my phone and sit down next to her, handing it to her with the video ready to play. y/n watches the short video and her earlier anger turns to upset in the blink of an eye.

"Take it away Kells," she stutters, handing me the phone back with shaky hands. Fresh tears running down her cheeks.

"I know a simple sorry will never be good enough y/n. We should have believed you back then. But now we know the truth you can get justice."

She shakes her head, "too late Kells, I don't want to fight this anymore...I'm done feeling anything anymore...I was weak then and I'm even weaker now...he'll always win."

I wrap my arms around her and she starts to sob loudly into my shoulder. I rub circles on her back hating to see her broken and defeated. I had a hand in all of this, I and the rest of the band put our career above our best friend. And now y/n needed a friend again to help her out of this negative slump.

"You're the strongest person I know y/n, you're a fighter. I know you feel weak now but you're no longer alone. You have me to help you back to your feet, and I'll always be in your corner from now on."

y/n looks up with red puffy eyes, "are you serious Kells? You're not going to leave me again?"

I shush her, "you're not going to be alone anymore y/n. We'll take this recovery one day at a time."

y/n chews her lip, "thank you for checking up on me Kells, I don't know how much longer I could cope being alone and depressed."

My smile falters slightly, y/n was thinking of killing herself because no one had believed her. This now made me even more determined to help her every way I could.

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