NYD - Ash Costello

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I Have A Present For You


"How are you feeling baby? I hate seeing you ill."

Your girlfriend Ash pouts from the door of your bedroom. You go to answer her but end up having a coughing fit. Ash rushes to your side and unscrews the lid on the throat medicine, you try to keep your lips sealed hating the bitter taste.

"If you don't take the medicine you'll be ill for longer y/n."

Ash knew how much you hated taking medicine, but she had a way of making you feel guilty even if she didn't know she was doing it. She had the best puppy dog eyes in the music industry.

Huffing, you sit up in bed and motion for her to hand you the bottle and spoon. Ash lets out a small squeal and quickly hands it to you, happy that you actually wanted to get better. Though your fort of blankets on the bed was very warm and comfortable, and you didn't intend on leaving anytime soon.

"I'm only taking this horrible liquid because you're an amazing girlfriend and I miss your cuddles and kisses."

"You're too cute y/n. Now I know how to make you feel even better. Wait a second."

You watch her with curiosity as she gets up off the bed and skips out of the bedroom. Knowing she'll check the medicine bottle to see if you've taken any, you hold your nose and swallow the thick tar-like substance that makes you want to throw up.

"I have a present for you baby."

Ash returns holding something behind her back. You didn't have a clue what, but it must be special because she was grinning ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat.

"What is it, Ash?"

She smiles and sits back down on the bed next to you, before pulling a stuffed panda plushie out from behind her back. Your eyes widen, pandas were your favourite animal and you always went on about them. But this panda plushie was different, it was wearing black bat wings on its back which made you smile as you play with the black fabric.

"Oh my god Ash I love him so much, I shall call him Mr. Panda. Thank you so much."

Ash rolls her eyes, "very original name y/n. I gave him bat wings so that he resembles both of us, so if I'm ever away and you can't come along then you can still hug and sleep with a part of me."

You had the sweetest girlfriend in existence.

"I'll cherish him forever Ash. He'll never leave my side."

She grins and leans down pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead making you frown.

"Don't kiss me, Ash, I'm all ill, and I don't want you to catch anything."

"Well I miss my y/n cuddles and kisses as well so screw this cold, I'm going to cuddle my girlfriend."

No amount of protests was going to stop Ash changing into her pyjamas and slipping into bed next to you. She coos and shushes you as pulls your head onto her chest so that she can run her fingers through your hair.

"I'm not taking the wrath of the band if you catch anything Costello."

She laughs, "The guys know my girl comes before them and the music. They're the exact same with their partners."

It felt nice to be in your girlfriend's arms as she cuddles you trying to make you feel better. You never wanted to leave Ash's warm embrace, and at least for tonight, she wasn't going anywhere.

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