PTV - Vic Fuentes

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As I turn off the Zoom hangout with the rest of the band and our fans, I sink into my chair defeated whereas before the hangout I was on top of the world. Yes, it had been a few years since the release of Misadventures and I didn't need to be reminded that Pierce The Veil hadn't released anything new, fans were understanding but only for so long. Luckily Tony and Jaime covered some of the awkward questions. 

Writing a song let alone a whole album was hard work, you had to be in the right mood and mindset to create something, or at least have some inspiration to use as a jumping-off point. I was suffering from writer's block, add to that the stress of having your younger brother leave the band, and then a pandemic sweeping the world turning everything to shit.

It was easy to ignore hurtful comments, but that didn't mean I didn't see any of the comments stating how tired I looked and how I was starting to show my age so the fans shouldn't expect any new music anytime soon. Tony and Jaime could only help me out so much before it became obvious the comments were getting to me.

Behind me, the door to my office/studio opens and y/n's calming voice fills the room, 'hey, I made some iced tea and thought you'd like a glass after the hangout.'

I nod but don't turn around, not wanting my partner y/n to see how hurt I was because they were such a cheerful individual and I never wanted to bring their mood down to my level. A glass is placed on the desk and y/n places their arms around my shoulders and rests their head on my shoulder.

'So you saw the hangout y/n?' I ask.

They nod and whisper, 'you, are as beautiful as you are naive Vic.'

I turn my head so our faces are inches apart, 'what are you talking about y/n?'

y/n chuckles, 'yes it is true you're no spring chicken, you pour your heart and soul into your music, and those two things combined are going to put bags under your eyes and drain you. You've never pretended to be someone you aren't, you wear your emotions on your sleeve, and I think that makes you beautiful inside and out.'

'Err thanks I think, now how am I naive?' I question.

y/n smiles, 'you're a little naive when it comes it standing up for yourself, you'll let people walk over you if it makes them happy because you never put yourself first. But I'm here to tell you Vic that you can be selfish now and then, you can put yourself before others for once. Never let them see you hurting, never give them fuel, and most importantly never put out anything that doesn't make you or the band happy because you feel pressured.'

I close the gap between us and kiss y/n, who happily kisses me back, before pulling away but our foreheads touch, 'I don't deserve someone like you y/n.'

y/n snorts, 'yeah you really don't, but we're stuck with one another, and together we'll make the best out of whatever comes our way. You can talk to me whenever you like, I'm a great listener.'

y/n had been a part of our crew from the very early days, coming on to sell merch before we discovered they were kickass on guitar and ended up replacing one of our techs who left. y/n was a little wild back then but had mellowed out over the years just like the rest of us as we got older. y/n was a great listener and everyone went to them with their problems. They were a one-person hype machine, and you wanted them on your side. We'd started dating just before the release of Misadventures after I thought for years she had a thing for Jaime because of how close they were. y/n was my rock and I was never going to let them out of my life. Maybe they could help me find my inspiration again.

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