HU - Charlie Scene

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Hollywood Sign


"Put this on y/n. I don't want to ruin the surprise date."

Your boyfriend Jordon comes up behind you as you put the finishing touches to your makeup and dangles a blindfold in front of your face making you roll your eyes.

"Fine, put it on, Jordon. Though I'm starting to think you have a kink or something."

He laughs, "Maybe I do y/n. But tonight I don't want anything spoiled because I put a lot of thought into this date."

Jordon ties the blindfold not too tightly around your eyes sending your world in blackness. It was kind of exciting since you had no idea where he was taking you on this date.

"Here let me guide you to the car love."

He helps me up from the vanity table chair and starts to guide me through our apartment, only bumping me into a few things which had both of us in stitches.

"I'm going to wake up with bruises on my knees tomorrow Jordon. Why didn't you wait to blindfold me until we were in the car?"

Jordon chuckles, "that never crossed my mind y/n but probably would have been better."

~Skip Car Ride~

The two of us sang along loudly and obnoxiously to whatever song came on the radio as Jordon drove us to the mystery location. Towards the end of the journey we started driving uphill which had me confused, I didn't know many places that required an uphill drive.

"Here we are babe, let me help you out of the car."

Jordon's car door shuts and a few seconds later he opens yours and helps you out, the blindfold still around your eyes. A cool wind whips around your bodies making you shiver slightly.

"Shit, have my jacket."

You feel something being placed over your shoulders and smile taking in Jordon's familiar scent.

"Can I take the blindfold off now pretty please?"

"Yes, you may."

You rip off the blindfold and take a few seconds for your eyes to adjust. Even though it was dark you could just about make out something bright in the distance.

"Where are we Jordon?"

He takes your hand and the two of you start to walk down a stone path until you come to a stop by a fence and you gasp loudly realising where the two of you were.

"We can't be here Jordon, we could get in serious trouble."

Jordon had taken us to the Hollywood Sign of all places.

"Some rules are meant to be broken y/n."

Your boyfriend reveals a hole in the fence and holds it open for you to go through. A rush of adrenaline goes through you as you cross over the threshold despite the many 'DON'T CROSS' signs scattered around.

Jordon comes through the fence and wraps his arms around your waist from behind while resting his chin on top of your head as you took in the beautiful sight of the city below you.

"Oh my god it's beautiful Jordon, everything looks so small compared to us."

He chuckles, "I knew you'd like it y/n."

Smiling, you turn around in his arms and peck his lips softly, "thanks for making me break the rules, Jordon."

He kisses you back, "I'm the bad influence and you're the good influence in this relationship."

Rolling your eyes at the amount of cheesiness in his statement you turn back around and go back to admiring the city lights when a dirty thought crosses your mind.

"How about we fuck on the Hollywood sign babe?"

Jordon stiffens behind you before relaxing, "maybe you're the bad influence after all y/n. But I like the way your mind thinks."

You giggle, this was the perfect start to date night.

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