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"Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is j̴a̶ck̀sept̀i҉ce̢y̵e and welcome to..."
He stopped talking. It was weird. All of a sudden he cut off in the middle of a sentence. He turned his gaze to the camera. He looked directly into the lens.

I stared at him. He was acting a bit strange earlier, but I thought he was just tired. Youtube and all of that stuff, I can understand that pretty well.

I stood up from my chair to check on Seán. He was very pale and it seemed he was twitching a bit.

"Is everything okay?"

He didn't respond at all. He was just looking at the camera, completely ignoring me. Now this is totally strange. He is always that smiley bubble full of life making everyone around him happy.

I looked at him. He would look normal if he just moved a muscle. Seán was like a stone. He was staring in one direction without blinking. When I touched his hands, they were very cold.

Something was off. Something bad was going on. I didn't know why but I had the urge to look at the camera. Seán always has the movable part of the device turned towards him, so that way he can see himself while recording. Before I saw the screen I noticed it was still on.

There on the black screen was Seán. But he wasn't himself. He looked different. He had a black plastic ring pierced in his right ear and both of his ears were kind of pointy. His eyes weren't blue like Seán's, they were completely black with small green pupils in them. On his face I could see something slimy drying off. It was still coming out from his eyes. He was looking right at me smiling in a mysterious way. I shivered and tried to look away but I was powerless.

I saw him opening his mouth and saying something. But I didn't hear anything because Seán had his headphones on his head. Slowly I took them off. He didn't even flinch. It looked like he had been frozen or something similar had happened to him.

"Ha̸v̛e̛ ҉y̸ou ąl͠ŕead̷y͜ ͏f͘or͠g̕ott҉e̡n ͏ab̀out ̛mȩ? Do͠ ̢yo͢u t͢ḩi͝nk ̷yơu c͢a̵n ͜save y͝ou͡r bǫy̴ t͞his̕ ̕t̕i̡m̧e? I'm àl҉w͢ay̸s ͏th͠e̛re. Alw̵a̕y͝ş ͞w͡át̛chi͠ng͘..̷."̸

His voice sounded sinisterly. I had no idea what he was talking about at all.

"Who are you? What do you want to do with my friend?"
I shouted at the microphone. I heard my voice in my ears through the headphones. It was full of despair. It sounded horribly.

First he started to laugh. It was an evil laughter like a villain would have. I was definitely not expecting this reaction to my words, so I jumped in fear and horror. I could see that he was pleased with my reaction. It actually helped him to find his lost concentraction.

"Lóo̶ks l̕ik͝é ýou̵ ḑon̛'͘t̵ ҉k̸n̴o̶w͜ y̧o̡úr̶ ̢g̴̨͘o̡͜o̶̡̡͟͢d̸̡́̕͟ fri͡én͞d ̀a͢t ̸a̴l̸l̡.̸ ͏Oth̨erwis̸è yoų wóuld̷ ̶kno̷w a͟bo͠út͜ ḿy e̷x͢iste͝n̕ce͏.͝ He͞ d́oe̶s̷n҉'t͟ t͞a̢lk m͘uch a͡bout̀ ̵me̡ ̢t͡hen͞,҉am I͠ ͝right?͟"

"I know Seán. He is loving and caring and harmless and an amazing person. You have no right to possess him, you filthy demon!"

It shocked him. I could see it in his pitch black eyes.

"Ỳou̵ ͟ar͏ȩ r̨i̴g͢h͝t͘.̧ ́I ̡shou̢l̕dn't ̶ha҉v̷e̴ th̡i̡s̨ pòwer̴ ͡a͟n̢d̴ y̵et̕,̀ I̴'̧m̧ st͢i̡ĺl ͝he͜re̡. ͢How ̵i̴s ̛this po͟ssi̡bl̢e? Yơu ̴mi̸ģh̷t w͠a͡n̕t ̶t̛o͢ ̡a͘sk yo҉u̕r b͞e̕l͜ov҉e̢dY͝out͞u̵ber͠.̨ ͏I'm sur̡e ̡t҉h̛e c̢o͠nve͘r̨sa̵ti͡o̶ń'͘s g̴óin͘g͟ to͟ ͞b͡é e͜x͏ci̷ti̡ng."̶

He said that and with every another word he glitched more often until he vanished from the screen into thin air. Then I heard a voice with slight Irish accent.

"Wh-what is going on? What just happened?"

Quickly I turned myself to face Seán. He was moving again but looked a bit dissoriented. His blue eyes were moving back and forth. He started to panic.

"Whoa! Calm down, Seán. I'll tell you everything, please, just calm down. And don't make anything stupid."
I took my chair from behind and sat on it right in front of him.

I told him everysignle moment of that strange rendezvous. That he stopped talking and was looking weird. Then I said about the camera and the evil creature's appearance coming out of nowhere. He frowned and said nothing. I tried to tell him every word I remembered the demon said. Suddenly he interrupted my speech.

"Wait. You said that the camera was still recording?"

I nodded. With exciting look on his face he demanded to see the video. I took the camera of the table where it usually is and handed it to Seán. He stopped the recording and played it all back. Then both of us started to watch it.

The beginning was normal. Well, it showed Seán doing his intro, then he cut off the sentence and stared right at the camera. After that we could see that black goo oozing down his face. An evil laugh came from the device. Then the screen went black. I looked nervously at Seán. He was biting his lip as he usually does when something is bothering him.

"What was that? Can you explain it to me? I want to help you, Seán. I really do."

He glanced at me when he heard my insistent voice. Quickly he avoided my gaze and looked over my shoulder.

"I don't know if I can."

His answer was so quiet I didn't know if I heard him well. I grabbed his hands. They weren't cold anymore. This movement made him to look at my face.

"Don't do this! Talk to me! Seán, don't make it worse. What is going on?"

I demanded him to answer. He sighed.

"I'm so sorry that you met him. He is evil, very evil. Sometimes the darkness in my heart is too powerful and at those times he usually shows himself on my computer screen or through the camera when I'm recording. The reason I haven't told you about him is simple. I'm ashamed of my other half."

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