"Sup jellyfish" I say catching off guard as he stopped walking and faced me. "You've been looking tired lately you feeling ok?" I ask placing a hand on his forehead as he tried to proses what I said since he's spacing out. "Well not a fever...let's get to the health room" I say pulling him and when we got there I pushed him inside walking to my next class since the bell rang.


Later on the day we were in the studio room. Santana plucking her eyebrow, britt stretching, Mercedes doing Tina's nails while I was playing candy crush and Rachel walks in saying "okay, girls, we need to get started."

Santana scoffs saying "we're getting warmed up." Rachel being the worried type asked "where's Quinn?" But then Britt had to say "probably down at the mall looking for elastic-waist pants." Making everyone laugh but me and Rachel.

Immediately I stood up "OK dumb blonde queen bee is a bit cheaper sometimes but no making fat jokes cuz that is straight up cold." After I went back to playing candy crush not listening to them until Tina kicked my leg. I looked at her and she moves my arm up for some reason. Anyway after she dropped my arm again I went back to playing my game.


The girls were sitting by the white board of the choir room as the boys started there performance.

I laughed and threw the thumbs up at James and Mike as they looked around the room excited. They took or did something cuz James is NEVER this excited and pumped up unless it's about Tina and singing but never this awesome.


The girls had a meeting in the choir room so here I am sitting next to Tina playing candy crush but Mercedes pushed my phone down when Rachel started saying "I told you guys."

"We know. You've been berating us for the better part of an hour." Santana said annoyed of Rachel. Queen bee finally came back to practice and had asked "were they really that good?"

I scoffed and said softly "good enough that I wanted to kiss Mike" as Rachel said "they were, Quinn. Look, I was fine with arranging, Choreographing and directing thus number free of charge. But we underestimated the boys. Their number will go to Sectionals and once again, I will be humiliated" but Tina heard my comment since she pushed her elbow into my arm.

"How were we supposed to know they'd rock the house? They've never been good." Mercedes countered back as Tina asked "how did they d-d-do it?" Then a voice came saying "real question is, what were they on?"

I smiled at Kurt as he continued "though I've been grouped with the boys, my allegiance still remains with you ladies. They defined my offer to do their hair and in cornrows and all my artistic decisions have been derided as to costly because they involve several varieties of exotic bird feathers."

I laughed earning a slapping from the back of the head from Mercedes while Kurt coughed and continued "we all took something." I jumped from my chair yelling "I knew it! James would never be that excited unless Tina was on the subject!" Which made Tina blush red and her pushing my leg out and me fall on my face.

"Ow" I groaned before looking at Tina "sorry but it's true!" She tried kicking me but I stood up grabbing my stuff and running out of the choir room.


We're in the health room getting the pills The boys took before they preformed from Mrs. shue. I really didn't want to do this but the girls are making me! I sigh annoyed. We all take it.


It was the girls turn to preform. Rachel was talking fastly as the other girls were in their places and me too. Then the music started

When I had my solo part I danced.

When the song ended the class was was filled with claps as the girls moved around happily as I did as well excited. The bell rang and us girls went to change fastly.


"We're really sorry mr. Shue" jellyfish said as we all stood in a group staring at mr. Shue. "We didn't mean to get you trouble" Rachel said as I scoffed "I told you we shouldn't have trusted Mrs. Shue" I whispered but everyone heard making me earn slap across the head from James.

Mr. Shue sighs shaking his head "ism really disappointed in your guys. Glee is supposed to be about what's inside your heart, not what's coursing through your veins." Once again I scoff annoyed of how Mr. Shue is acting. "Well maybe if you would pay attention to us more we would have learned that by now but someone was busy with himself" I said annoyed.

"Peyton" Mike said putting his hands on my shoulders making me sigh. "Sorry...but we have problems too not only you Mr. Shue" mr. Shue nods and says "we've been assigned a co-director" coach sue comes in. Oh god...

The singing photographer (CONTINUED SOME WHERE ELSE)Where stories live. Discover now