15: alive

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Amy was mad at me and glared at me every few minutes. I wazs sitting there looking away from her. I could feel her staring at me.

"If your gonna be like this you can leave." I say.

"Um excuse me?!?! Why can't you?" Amy says.

"I am going to stay here no matter what, Ethan is my friend, I saved him and I will stay here to make sure he's ok." I say.

"Fine!" Amy storms out.

"About damn time..." I say.

Every is sitting there silent.

Its an awkward silence for an hour.

"Visitors for Ethan Nestor."

We get up and go to Ethan's room. And there he was.

He was unconscious and a little less gray then before.

Maybe he'll be alright.

Timmmme skkkkiiiipp

Everyone just left.

Then I see it.

I sigh in relief as I see that he's awake.

Ethan looks at with tears in his eyes.

"Ethan, its ok." I say giving his a hug being sure not to squeeze him.

He starts to cry. He's gripping onto my shirt and his head is against my chest. I can hear the sobs escaping him.

"W-why ca-can't I-I d-die?" Ethan sobs.

"Because I won't let that happen." I say letting Ethan cry into my chest.

"P-p-please, l-let m-me d-die." Ethan sobs.

"I can't, Ethan, it can get better." I say.

He doesn't say anything. He just cries.

"It'll get better."

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