21. Lost

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He just left me there...all alone.
Why is this happening to me?
Why is everyone saying that I like Thomas? That's NOT true!
Or is it?
Urghh, I don't know what to think anymore...I need someone to talk to and I know just the right person. I have to face my problems....but just not now, not yet. I have to get back to the Denn. I walked towards the open piece by the trees. I walked threw the hole and I came into the woods. I looked around and I found out that I had literally NO clue of where the hell I was. I looked around again, but I couldn't recognise anything. I just started to walk north. After minutes, maybe hours I still wasn't at the Denn. I changed direction and started walking west. The walking became running and the running became faster and faster. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to do something! I ran and I ran, but it seemed like I didn't made any progress of finding the Denn. It became dark and I started to freak out! I stopped running and looked around again. And again NO bloody clue. I changed direction and ran west. I ran and I ran until.....I tripped.
I fell on the ground on the leaves.
My head bumping hard against the ground and everything became black.

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