1~ The start of a new journey

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>Silver's Pov

"Silver! The boat docks in an hour!" Destiny shouted from my door.

I put down the book I'd been  reading and looked out the window at the advancing Unova region. I placed my bookmark in my book and tucked it in the front pocket of my bag. I picked up the two photo frames off my bed side looking at them briefly before placing them in my bag.

The first was in a silver frame. It was of my when I was about 5 and Emma who was about 3. Emma was in a Pichu onesie with her thumb in her mouth, with goofy grin on her face.

The second was more recent, taken just over a year ago at the Sinnoh league when we went out for dinner before she left. Emma had her arm around my neck and her head in my shoulder with Melody on her own shoulder. Faith was on my head and Hope and Trust were looking up from the bottom.

I smiled at the memory's. We all missed Emma, but she hasn't talked to any of us in 6 months and no one knew where she was. So Destiny, Red, Sora, Rafe and I had agreed to travel to Unova together since it was one of two regions Emma hasn't been to yet so there was a 50% chance she was there. None of knew why Emma had stopped talking to us or why she just disappeared but we all wanted to know why.

I placed the second photo in my bag gently and walked out of my room to meet up with the others who were already in the lounge room.

Destiny and Sora were having a casual conversation on the small lounge that sat in the sitting room joined with the dining room and kitchen. Red and Rafe were having a quiet debate about whether Blazikan was better then Charizard, though I couldn't tell who had the upper hand in said debate. I myself prefer water type Pokémon to fire type.

"Are we going?" I asked the other four people in the room.

They all looked at me and one by one nodded or agreed we'd go. So we all got up and walked towards the deck above.

An hour later we were off the boat at Castelia City and started to make our way towards Pinwheel forest since we were told that Professor Juniper wanted to talk to us about something once we got to Unova. Though I had been told that there was something wrong with Pinwheel lately, I didn't know what was going on but I was curious to find out.

It didn't take long to find the entrance to the forest and once we were in there was an instant contrast in mood. I got an uneasy feeling in my gut, as if we were being watched. I ignored it as we continued to walk.

For a while it was deathly silent, only the rare scuffling of forest Pokémon broke though the early afternoon light. I felt eyes burning into my back and paranoia took over and I turned around to look behind me, catching a glimpse of some purple and black thing before it disappeared.

"You feel it to?" Red asked.

I nodded. "Someone's watching us."

There was a sudden explosion some ways away that shook the ground a little.

"What was that?" Destiny asked, looking around as if trying to find the source.

I shrugged. "A battle possibly?"

Destiny didn't look to convinced.

We continued to walk through the forest in silence, the feeling of being watched disappeared a while ago, after the explosion. We watched the Pokemon, none came near us though, they just kind of watched as if curious about what we'd do, or judging if we were a threat.

A flash of black and white made us stop, Destiny fell as well since she had been leading us. There was a Zebstika standing in the middle of our path with a baby Blitzel.

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