Concerts and New Friends

Start from the beginning

"There is no 'Hope' on this list. You don't get in unless you are on the list or with someone who has a plus 1." The security guard denies me entry and I know for a fact that Austin doesn't have a plus 1 even though he is on the list.

I step aside and text Andy.

H- Hey, are you inside yet?

A- Ya why?

H- Do you have a plus 1? Apparently Austin doesn't have one like he thought he did, and I never get put on the list for back stage.

A- I don't have a plus 1, but stay right where you are.

~Andy's POV~

"Hey Gerard, you have a plus 1, don't you?" I was already back stage and Hope texted me saying Austin lied, then left her outside.

"Yes, I do. You need me to go get someone from outside?" He was awesome.

"Yes I do. Her name is Hope, she has very red hair and dark blue eyes. Please fetch her and bring her back here. I warn you though, she obsesses over MCR..." Gerard and I both laugh as he leaves to go get Hope from outside.

"Biersack! How have you been?" I turn around.

"Ronnie the Radkid! I've been good. Just got released from a hospital for trying to kill myself, so not much has happened in the 6 days I've been free. It was 2 years, I almost forgot what fresh air was!" His response is laughter.

"Ya, I remember how aweful places like that are. Mental hospitals and prison probably aren't that much different. Well, I didn't have to go to support groups and talk to strangers about my problems." He puts his elbow on my shoulder, but he didn't keep it up there very long because I'm quite a bit taller than him. "Oh, and have you seen Gerard? He said he was coming."

"Ya, I actually just sent him to pick up someone who got locked outside for having shitty friends." Austin was a terrible person for leaving Hope outside.

"Who got locked outside?" Ronnie had met Hope before, but it was quite a while ago.

"Do you remember the girl I dated for about 8 months after meeting her on tour and she moved in with me, she got pregnant but it ended badly, then I messed up in Vegas so she left me? Her." Ronnie's eyes go wide.

"Yes, I do remember her. She has extremely red hair and is now a tattoo artist with an awesome little shop. Her name is... Hope?" I nod and smile at the mention of her name.

~Hope's POV~

I wait outside for a few minutes before seeing the door open.

"Hello Mr. Security Guard. I'm Gerard Way, and Hope is allowed to come inside because she is awesome and you have to let her in because I said so, and Mr. Radke wounldn't enjoy knowing that she got locked out here because you didn't ask one of us about her. AND Ronnie personally knows her, I know her, Austin knows her, and Andy Biersack knows her. So if you don't let her in, you'll have to answer to all of us." My jaw falls open when Gerard Way opens the door and confronts the security guard about why I wasn't let in.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Way. She may enter." The guard holds open the door as Gerard steps out and offers me his hand.

"Hello Hope. Please, come with me." I take his hand and we head inside.

"Okay... That was awesome! And holy shit, you are Gerard Way, and you know me even though we have never met.... How do you know me?" He just laughs and continues leading me through the back stage area.

"Let's just say that one of your friends cares very much about you, and a lot of other people here want to meet you." I giggle and then I see him.

Andy is leaning against the wall, a smirk planted on his face.

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