3. Meet

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The next day, I rush through my morning, hoping we both haven't changed too much and can still be friends. Mom notices my excitement and has a small smile on her face all morning, guessing, correctly, that it's because of Syrena.

I park my black Dodge Dart in the same spot as yesterday, next to someone's white Cruze, and meet Eric and Jason before we head to our first classes. We talk about random things - the homework due, Jase's track schedule, how much we're looking forward to the end of school, etc. - before Jason pipes up, "Hey, Kan. You looked kind of surprised when Devon brought the new girl over to our table. Do you know her or something?"

I have a silent mental debate in the span of about three seconds on whether or not to admit I recognized her. I decide to tell them, though, because they'll find out eventually anyway. "Yeah. She and I were friends when I was around 10. She lived with my mom and I for a while, but when we moved, we lost contact."

They both look like they're dying to ask me more about everything, but the clocks on the screens all over school start to tick down the five minutes till classes start, and we have to run to each of our classes.


Classes seem to drag on and on, partly because I look at the clock so often. Eric and Jason are in the same study hall as me, so we always sit at the same table, and talking to them while I do homework helps keep time moving. 

I look at the clock again...not yet. 

Trig seems to take much longer than usual, even though Mr. Russo is a great teacher, but finally it's lunch break.

I step through the door of the cafeteria and search out our table through the mob of hungry students. Devon, Lexia, and Eric are already sitting and eating, and Jason's getting his lunch. Syrena's already sitting with Dev and Lex. I take a deep breath and let it out. Here goes.

I walk to the table, but instead of going around to where Jason and Eric are sitting, I approach the girls. I tap Syrena on the shoulder, and she turns to look at me, seeming a bit confused. I ask her, "You're Syrena, right?"

She responds, still confused, "Yes, why?"

I explain, "I noticed yesterday you seemed to be looking for someone. Maybe I could help you find them?"

She looks a little less skeptical, and says, "I don't know. Do you know someone named Dakan? Um, Dakan Archer? I haven't seen him in, like, seven years, though, so I'm not sure exactly what he looks like. He's a senior, a year older than me."

I can feel my grin trying to escape as I say, teasing a bit, "Huh. I might know him..."

She queries again, "do you know him?"

My grin finally breaks loose, "Yeah, I do. Quite well, actually." 

"It's me."

Her smile vanishes, and she looks a bit shocked, but I can see my words registering, and her mind mentally adding the years to her memory of my face, until that grin reappears even brighter than before, and her face lights up like fireworks. 

She springs up from her seat and tackles me in a huge hug, almost knocking the both of us over. I hug her back, lifting her slightly off the ground, and she starts laughing and crying at the same time. "Kan? It's really you? I was looking for you everywhere! I can't believe it's you!"

"It's really me, Sy."

I notice Dev, Lex, Eric, and Jase are all staring at us like we're kittens that have gone crazy - cute, but confusing and slightly scary. 

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