Chapter 4_Help!

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This was truly the best day of my life I wanted something special to happen that was in my wish list. I wished that when I went to the beach something spectacular would happen so I waited.

I thought if Hannah Montana would ever come and sing happy birthday to me. Thats what I meant as something special..

I did not want to wait any longer so I decided to go in the water and try not to go to deep in the water.

I kept walking in the shallow where my feet touched the soft sand then I felt a rock and I slipped my mom and dad were sleeping so they did not see me slip and fall.

I kept going further and further until the water touched my chin. Waves would push me and I just kept going further and further for some reason.

I looked back to see if my mom and dad were still sleeping I wanted some of the fruit my mom made and in that instant I turned around a giant wave came and I went deep into the water for some reason I could not reach the surface.

I screamed help but of course a whole bunch of sea water went inside my mouth.

Thats when I felt something grab me.

I was panicking, not knowing what to do. Then the thing that grabbed me kept pulling me down and into the deep.

I did not even know how I could hold my breath this long.

Thats when I started to get very dizzy and I could not see anything I wanted to try to breathe I was still holding my breath though then I sighed.

Thats when I figured out I can breathe under water!

I was to scared to look under me to see what was grabbing and pulling me down.

Then I suddenly doze off. Just like that.

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