CNN News Alert: "Another Casualty"

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By Rachel Watts, CNN

Updated September 26, 2018

Fallout continues across Washington from the military's stunning admission of secret nuclear launch sites, known as Project Visigoth, in operation around the world.

Last night, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs tendered his resignation, joining four other Pentagon administrators in stepping down. The White House issued another statement condemning Project Visigoth and calling on Congress to reaffirm the President's constitutional authority to order nuclear strikes.

Last week, an Indonesian fishing boat responded to a plume of smoke near their position in the Celebes Sea. They arrived at an uncharted island to find a fire raging in some kind of underground facility. The attack submarine USS North Dakota surfaced soon after and ordered the boat to retreat, but not before one of the crewmen posted a photo to his Instagram.

The Secretary of Defense has claimed he knew nothing about Project Visigoth and has ordered a full-scale investigation. In the meantime, the remaining seven formerly-classified silo sites have been deactivated pending review.

There is no official word on what happened at Visigoth Outpost Victor Charlie, but multiple sources within the Defense Department have told CNN that the explosion was an accident. Neither of the unidentified Air Force officers stationed there survived.

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