Chapter 4: Love & Distraction

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"Jeff..." I purred.

Pressing his lips against mine, he hoisted my legs and circled them around his hips. He carried me to a corner and pressed me against the wall. We broke the kiss and gasped for air. I moaned as he started brushing his lips sensually across the crook of my neck. He licked my bruises thoroughly. I tightened my grip around him and buried my face in his shoulder. He frowned and soon he realised that I was embarrassed. I groaned as his hands crept underneath my shirt. Rolling it up a little, he stroked my tummy. Each time his fingers came in contact with my skin, I felt an unspeakable stream of pleasure. I loved the way he caressed me gingerly as if I was his doll. And yes, I belonged to him.

The door suddenly swung open. We went stiff for a moment. A janitor popped his head into the storage room. He didn't see us right there. We were shielded by piles of crates in front of us. The guy finally left with a broom. We both breathed a sigh of relief. Putting me down on the ground, Jeff planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Damn, that was a close one."

I had to agree with him.

Straightening my wrinkled shirt, I got back onto my feet and smiled at by boyfriend. "Well, school is a dangerous place. Let's get going."

He nodded. We left the storage room and headed back to our class. We parted in the corridor and promised to meet up after school.

The day moved on without any more episodes. The only misfortune was that Randy was in my class. Troy was with Jeff in the next room. Randy hurled a piece of paper at me during Chemistry. He declared war on us. The way he grinned cunningly at me worried me a little. I knew he was up to something again. He was scheming.

"Go die." I wrote on the paper and tossed it back at him. He caught it and read my words, scowling a bit before grinning again.

Jeff and I visited the woods after school. We found the nest where some eggs hatched a few days before the school started. We discovered several new nests afterwards, all occupied by eggs and baby chicks. We spent the afternoon napping under the tree. When we woke up, Jeff told me how he used to keep a beautiful white bird in elementary school. But one day, Liu opened the cage and accidentally set their pet free.

"Were you mad at Liu then?" I asked.

"No." Jeff shook his head and smiled. "Liu said it was an accident but I knew it wasn't. He just wanted to free the bird, I guess. He's always been a softie."

I nodded, somewhat missing Liu. Even if he wasn't as smart as Jeff, even if he always blundered and spoke like a ten-year-old, I still liked him a lot. He deserved a whole lot better treatment than being sent to the juvenile hall.

"I he's doing right now."

"Jeff, do you want to go to the market?" I piped up. "Mum said we ought to buy Billy a birthday present."

"Um...sure. We can hit the market now if you want."


And so, we left the woods. We were walking in the mall when Jeff suddenly stopped at a particular shop. I took a peek and knew right away it was the game store. Without a word, Jeff went in and took one of the latest games from the shelf.

"You...want to buy this for Billy?" I asked.

"No..." Jeff muttered. "Liu has always wanted it. He's been saving up all his pocket money just for this and..."

"Just buy it," I said. "Give it to him when he comes home. I'm sure he'll be pleased."

Jeff nodded, his eyes wet and red.

Withered Love (Jeff the Killer x Jane the Killer)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum