Chapter 8: The Price of Sin

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I never regretted having done it with Liu.

Perhaps this was the biggest problem. My sense of virtues and dignity, my vanity and pride...none of them existed anymore.

I deserved the punishment Jeff gave me.

"Jane, are you alright?" Liu asked.

But I could only hear Jeff's voice.

I was wrapped in his arms. The steam was suffocating. He had filled the bathtub with hot water.

He wanted to watch me melt, so very slowly, before him.

"Jeff, the water's too hot. It's hurting me."

We were bathing, first thing in the morning. I had told him that I got to shower before heading to school. We woke up an hour earlier than usual, just to avoid being caught red-handed by my parents. I had to change the bed sheets and basically everything that had been stained with our juice.

I was running a fever. He adjusted our positions so that I was resting on his lap. He placed one hand on my forehead and another one on the tap. I sighed in relief as streams of cold water poured into our tub.

"I've always dreamed of us taking a bath together," he whispered, tracing my ear with his tongue. He knew all my sensitive parts and the fact that I had completely no immunity against him was the best weapon he could wield to monopolise me. He enjoyed my moans under his teasing. His fingers interlaced playfully with mine. He licked the spots he had bitten the previous night, as if the temporary hickeys weren't sufficient to mark his love. He wanted to turn them permanent so that his feelings for me would be forever engraved on my body.

"No, Jeff, the morning. I'm...tired."

He pinched my nipples and kissed my body.

I really could die of pleasure.

"Jeff!" I squirmed when his hand suddenly dived deep into the water, finding my opening in a second flat.

"Please...I can't take this anymore," I groaned. I felt like fainting.

"Be quiet and let me do the magic. I promise you, you'll feel like you were in heaven."

I was already in heaven. He kept fingering and kissing me until I came and fell dizzily on his chest.

I almost passed out.

"Jane? Jane?"

I snapped out of my trance and stared at Liu's waving palm.

"Are you alright?" he asked, staring at a pack of pills in my hands.

"Oh, uh, yes, yes I am." I swiftly stuffed the pills back into my pocket and smiled.

"Are those..." he trailed off with a slight blush.

I nodded sheepishly.

It had been two days already and I still hadn't taken them.

I would definitely end up bearing Jeff's child.

"Jane, er...did you finish your assignments?"

"What assignments?" I frowned.

"We have to finish the Math workbook, remember? Fifteen pages of them."

Liu scratched his head nervously. "And a project outline for Literature."

"Oh, I...I completely forgot about that."

Withered Love (Jeff the Killer x Jane the Killer)Where stories live. Discover now