Chapter 12.5: A Note from Author

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I feel that there's a need to address some questions and opinions about this fiction but before I do so...

First, I have to thank you all for the helpful and encouraging reviews. Most of them motivate me a lot when I'm lacking inspiration and incentive to continue the story. I know some people don't like this fiction and even think it sucks. But please, if you ever have to say my story is stupid or bad, give me the reasons to justify it. That way, I might be able to improve :) If you can't stand reading it, you can choose not to continue then. It's your choice xD

Next, I'm going to respond to two major questions you guys raised before things start getting more confusing and complicated.

Q1: About Jane x Liu...

Okay, this one is pretty problematic. Some people ship Jane and Liu. Some hate this pairing and urge me to stick to Jane and Jeff. answer is... that I can't possibly satisfy everyone's desires. There are too many people in this world to please. It will keep me way too busy to make every single person happy. I will, however, write according to my own inspiration. I personally love the triangle very much. As you can tell, Jeff has a painfully powerful character. He has his own pride. He is born to dominate and to take the lead, in whatever relationship it is. But Liu in this story is portrayed as Jeff's twin (I did that on purpose because in the original tale it never stated clearly which one is older). He is much more compassionate and innocent. He is the type that will devote his entire self to someone he loves, unlike Jeff, who believes that he must possess the one he loves. If he can't, he will feel defeated and his pride will subsume him. I wouldn't say Liu is weak. He's mentally much stronger than Jeff. You can see Liu is more expressive than Jeff in terms of feelings. That's why Jane thinks he's acting childish and stupid in the beginning. Jeff is more mature and strong-willed. But he is always confronting some sort of inferiority in his own mind, particularly when he loses his handsome face. I give Liu a relatively huge place in this story for a purpose. When Jeff eventually loses his conscience and sanity, I need Liu to be there to hold Jane back. I want Liu to love and live for Jane. At the same time, I want Jane to love and live for Jeff. The things that will hold their bonds together will be love and grudge. Only these feelings can be eternal, even when the relationship doesn't last forever. Everyone will suffer at some point but Liu's presence is allegedly done to support the other two and to untangle the complex relationships between brothers and lovers.

If you ever need some concrete answers...

Will Jane and Liu go out? some point...if I have the chance to write about it.

Will Jane choose Liu and leave Jeff? No, she won't...but I can't guarantee if she might pick both. She's a very, very selfish, vain girl.

How about Jeff then? Ha, it's a dilemma for him. He loves Jane as a lover. He also loves Liu as a brother.

Then, who will get Jane in the end? Who knows? Maybe one day Jane will grow tired of chasing Jeff and start to recognize Liu's unrequited love or sympathize with him. Or maybe she will still love Jeff till her death. Nothing's for sure. It'll just have to do with the flow of the story.

Q2: When will this story ever end?

Meh...have been getting this question a lot. Sorry if this fiction is going on like forever :( I'm truly sorry for that. Trust me, I didn't intend to write this much in the first place either. I know everyone is craving to see the part where it gets back to the prologue. I'm trying hard to do that but I have decided to take things slowly. I don't want Jeff to go insane in a blink of an eye like in the original tale. I want his insanity to come more gradually and reasonably. I want Jane and Liu to witness his changes and to grieve when they fail to help him. Also, since this fiction is about Jeff and Jane before they became killers, the story has to illustrate what exactly happened in their teenage life. This tale will end eventually when all three main characters go bananas (Geez, this sounds really sad, doesn't it? XD) Whether or not I will continue writing about their life as killers is another bargaining point. I will see if anyone is willing to read more after they have turned into lunatics :D

Q3: About Jeff and Liu

Um...these two are still getting along with each other so far. They haven't started falling out but will soon, I suppose? How can one stand seeing his loved one being stolen and hurt by his own brother who at the same time is also someone he adores? It's a terribly painful experience for Liu, I would say. As for Jeff, maybe he's started to wonder if that day the one taken away by the cops was him, he wouldn't get his face burned eventually. Jeff is losing his sense of security. He knows Liu likes Jane. Who wouldn't fear his girlfriend being charmed by someone sharing a similar face with him but is still perfectly handsome? Ha, that's the interesting point of the story and the reason why I include Liu in all this mess XD If Liu is meant to end up forever alone, maybe some fangirls can take him instead...? (lol)

Q4: Update speed

Ohhhhh gosh, this one is the hardest to answer. New semester will start in Jan. I will be going out everyday until 29...== It's a damn busy Christmas this year. I will try to allocate some time to write though. Will update at best in two weeks :( Sorry if I ever have to keep you wait. I don't want to upload some shit and get it over with. I really want this fiction to end well...though my writing seems to be going down a lot (coz I barely got time to write)

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