the survey circus ~chapter 1

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this is my fist ErenXLevi AU fanfiction so please if the caracters seem OOC please dont hesitate to tell me, remember i enjoy your feedback


Eren's POV

"Mikasa please, please can we go, I wanna go please " I pleaded.

"No Eren, why the hell are you so freaking desperate to go to some shitty circus anyway?"

"Because everyone who goes says its so cool and I wanted to see if the rumours of kids going missing are true!" I said excitedly.

"Eren are you telling me that  you only want to go to some shitty circus because of some stupid rumours, are you some kind of idiot or something what if they are true and you in missing ! It would be all my fault for letting you go." she said as she tried to guilt trip me into not wanting to go.

"But Mikasa, I really wanna go please ..."

She sighed and hung her head back "Eren if I say yes will you stop bugging me about it.

My eyes lit up like lights on a Christmas tree and I nodded my head as fast as I could.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Mikasa, I'll go and text Armin." I said

She rolled her eyes and continued to do whatever She was doing before  I bugged her.

I took out my phone and text Armin

Eren : hey Armin Mikasa finally said I can go wanna come tomorrow

Armin: what seriously, of course in going to go, I'll come to your house at 8 :D

Eren : cool see you then

I put my phone away and then decided to watch some anime to kill some time.

~~time skip : next day : 11.30pm~~

Me, Armin and Mikasa had been waiting in line for over 3 hours and the line started to move into the huge tent. "Eren how much are the tickets?" Mikasa asked

"Umm £20" I said, She once again rolled her eyes

"The guy running this show must be some sort of money whore" she said since she didn't like spending too much money.

We approached the ticket booth and we saw a blonde man with thick eyebrows "that will be "£20 per person please"

Mikasa handed him £60 and we proceeded into the huge tent .

We sat down and waited for the show to begin . I looked around the ring saw a pattern with two wings one blue and one white.

The lights became dim and every one in the tent ceased their talking . A spot light switched on and a rather short man in black trousers, white shirt and red tunic with a black top hat, looked at us "ladies and gentle man ... I welcome you to the survey circus... Tonight you shall witness many wonders... But remember no brats allowed"

The spot light turned off and it went dark, it was silent, I could hear the beat of my ever increasing heart beat, I was becoming nervous since I never a huge fan of the dark. But before I could have a panic attack two spot lights turned on.

There were two females standing on the edge of the tigh rope. One was quite tall and had brown hair and wore glasses, the other woman was very petite, she had strawberry blonde hair , but then we realised that there was no tight rope.

I looked closer and saw they were wearing some sort of belts with metal boxes attached, they were also holding huge blade like sword and pointed them up.

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