Chapter 20🏥

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu

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Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu... my dear readers!


Daarim looked at Muntaha and bit his lips as he removed his turban and placed it on Muntaha's wounds to stop the flow. He felt really helpless though, when he saw that the blood was flowing quite freely.

"Agony... This is much better than the agony from before! This is atleast familiar territory!" Muntaha mumbled. Daarim slowly but surely hit Muntaha's face to keep him conscious.

"Jibreel! Do not close your eyes! You need to be conscious! The dagger was-"

"Poisoned?" Muntaha completed for him and then laughed at Daarim 's shock, before spluttering blood, which made him stop laughing. "Yes I know Ya Akhi! I came to know the moment it touched my blood and began to give off a distinct smell! I am glad to remember these lessons!" Muntaha joked. Daarim angrily shook his head and lifted Muntaha in his arms. As far as he knew, the camp didn't have a full fledged healer, which was highly unsafe for the future king of Ghazdaan. He couldn't take him to any healer because Daarim wasn't sure they could have treated Muntaha well and also because there was no healer that he knew of around these parts. He had to take Muntaha to the valley.

He whistled to his horse the moment it came into sight. His horse trotted towards him. When the horse reached Daarim, he placed Muntaha on the ground and rummaged in the sack hung on the horse for a medicine that he always carried with him for emergency. The balm was Kaamla's own concoction and was a general antidote that could cut the effects of poison to a large capacity. Daarim applied it on Muntaha's wound and then lifted him to the horse, before climbing up. He urged the horse to move.

"Jibreel! I am taking you to the Valley of Qamar! You need to stay awake till we reach Kaamla! You get it? You need to try and stay awake! Do not give in to the fatigue or the grief!" Daarim told him forcefully.

"Huh?" Muntaha smiled at Daarim again. "Of course I won't give in! I have a duty to fulfill! Promises to keep! A kingdom to save and a woman who might or might not be waiting for me..." Daarim chuckled at Muntaha, who was weakening by the second but still was strong enough to hope.

He hoped he could reach the valley soon or the careful laid plans for Muntaha would mean nothing. He knew Sidra was present there. He knew she would meet Muntaha and after that what would become of them he wasn't sure of. But after witnessing a meltdown from Muntaha he wasn't so sure of keeping them away from the other. What if Muntaha never recovered from this setback?

He watched Muntaha as he tried to keep his eyes open. He was loosing more of his will to keep them open though. His face had now become so pale that it looked like the blood had stopped circulating through it.

For a second Daarim was scared that he wouldn't make it in time. The poison was coursing through Muntaha's veins much faster than he was travelling. But he held on to his hope and pushed himself to go faster. He had to reach Kaamla before the poison reached his heart, because, the future of whole Ghazdaan laid in his arms.

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