Girl on fire

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I told Piper to go ahead and get blankets so we could warm everyone up, I also asked about the gorilla thing but she just giggled and told me to "Wait and see." Then I took a walk around the deck in search for Nico.

I started getting worried when I had walked pretty much half of the huge ship and still didn't find him, but I was even more worried when I had found him.

I heard a faint throb. And moved faster. The sound repeated twice.

" Loom, boom...... loom, boom" Like a heartbeat but it was so slow.

I quickened my pace to a jog, still following the sound until I saw him.

Nico ceased to shiver or move at all, but he was also laying in blood. He must've gotten stabbed I decided from the blood.

I leveled next to him and placed my hands on his chest rolling him to face me. He was ice cold and a whole nother shade of blue. I felt another ping of pain and cringed. Yes i was hurting but i also have to move him before he bleeds out.

I ran back to the others and yelled for their help, trying to keep my voice calm. He was bad but the aura from them being worried would effect Nico. In seconds the others came running by and gasped at what they saw. I heard Hazel sob a little.

"Guys try to stay calm alright?" I felt my own eyes tear up some. They looked at me in a weird way. Then one my one they smiled. 'Okay, they relaxed, they trust me.' I lay Nico more comfortably on his back and then i  opened up his multiple black clothing. I unzipped his black coat, unzipped his black hoody, and cut open his really cute black skull shirt.

Without thinking i placed my hands over his wounds and felt a warmth spread through my body. My hands were glowing! I squinted my eyes and i could see through him, like an x-ray. When I felt the heat rise over a certain area I automatically knew to place my hands on it. I could feel Nico's emotions. I could feel what he felt. The cold blade cutting through me, the anger for getting  cut, and the agonizing pain that followed. It hurt so much I cried out but I refused to move my hands. I knew the others were freaking out, because honestly I was too. I shivered slightly and when I felt a shock cut through me I let go. Then everything went black.

My Light In Your Darkness (On hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz