Seriously! What are those?!

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I don't think I have to tell you what was going through my head as I was running in my enormous house, but I will anyway.

1.) Scream
2.) Run away for
A.) Weapons or
B.) Protection

As I was running those things were steady talking to me as if I was still listening. I mean HELLO! Running for my life here! Why the heck would I care about your life story?! I mean come on. If your gonna chase and possibly kill me...don't give me a history lesson first. Anything but that.

But that was before they said something that confused me.

I was half way to the kitchen when I heard the monsters mumble something to do with 'Godly blood' and how their gonna snap my spine or something but I didn't really have time for that because I grabbed a chef knife from the kitchen drawer.

I honestly had no clue as to what a knife will do to a ghost-smoke-monster thing but I was pretty certain that I looked hella threatening holding it so... That counts for some thing right?

I guess it did because when I held it up to it , it froze.
"N-now , now I want you to get the HELL out of my house!" I said trying to contain my fears. " Now! " I said again.

It looked at me and whimpered then it disappeared in a cloud of smoke and the house was silent.


I thought they really were gone and I started to run back to my parents.

Almost there.



" GOTCHA " That voice said startling me and I tripped and fell on my ankle.

I yelled in pain but that pain quickly turned to fear as those things came back. Fortunately for me I still had my knife so I smirked and was like:

"Excuse me what wazzit?"

The monster only smirked .
"We are the Lialaps  demons. Vrondi and Keravrnos. Made of cold and distuction of dreams!" It roared sending my knife flying out my hand and down the hall. Unfortunately for me.

" I see why they call you the distructors of dreams. Your breath is enough to destroy anything. " I said fanning my nose.

I don't think that was the best move but I didn't care my 'parents are hurt, and I did something to my ankle, had a horrible week at school , and STILL didn't get a snack. And just as I'm thinking about what this world has come to this thing wants to come up here and boss ME around. Naw! Got another storm coming and her name is (Y/n)!

Boy did I tell them!

It pulled back one of their arms and smacked my whole body into the next room.

...Boy did they tell me......

I stool up and shook it off. That thing is so big, just that one hit alone made me dizzy. Then I saw something shinny in the corner of the room. Nails sticking out of wood. My Gramps was redecorating but he must've forgotten that. But something was different about the nails.

It was like a type of bronze but different. But I don't have time to be thinking about what it's made of.

I ran over to it and slid on the floor grabbing my slate of wood. But the Lialaps saw what I was up to and reached out to grab me, only to snag my (h/c) hair.

"Aah!" I yelped and reached up with my spare hand. With the other I clawed at the floor for the sharpest thing near me. ..

Got it!

I did a backflip and stabbed its hand with the bronze nails, that caused him to let go. Bad move.

It squealed in pain and got very angry.

My Light In Your Darkness (On hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن