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The time flew so fast and it's already Friday..

I am fucking nervous.

I'll be meeting him today! Min Yoongi! I still have these feelings that he was the one who carried me out in that club but why do I have this faint memory that I kissed someone on the lips? Or it's the alchohol? oh my god, I'm so drunk to the point that was the only memory I remembered. I hope it wasn't Yoongi I kissed.

I shake my head to erase those thoughts.. I have to be ready and prepare myself. This will be my first time meeting my online friend.

I wore black sweater and a simple black jeans with black chucks. I did my hair a simple ponytail.

what? I like the color black and being simple.

Okay.. This is good.

"Where are you going? Why do you smell sweet huh? Meeting someone, Y/N?" she snickered while cooking her bento.

"Yah, stop it. I'm just meeting a friend, that's all"

"aweee, I don't see it that way. It's the first time I saw you wearing that kind of lipstick huh."

"Hyeriiiinn stop teasing me oh my god."

"Y/N, whoever you're meeting right now, I hope it's better than that asshole." she patted my shoulder with a sincere smile. "all I want is my bestfriend slash! roommate's happiness." she winked and continued to make her bento.

I smiled at her she's so sweet.

"Bye, Hyerin!"

"Take care!"

I don't know what to do without her. She really literally dragged me here because she wants to study here with me. At first I didn't liked it here because I can't speak their language. I'm half asian but I grew up in Canada. My mom uses her language to me sometimes.

I don't know but its hard to be multilingual. Like I have to think what word should I use.

I check my watch, it's 4:00 YNWA cafe is 15 minutes from here. It's the cafe where I'm part timing to. I asked my manager to have a day off today and I told him I'm meeting a someone in his cafe, he's so kind to agree.

The bus came and I hopped on the bus, now.. I'm really getting nervous..

I arrived at the cafe exactly 4:20. I looked for a spot and waited there. My co-worker greeted me and I greeted him back.

I checked the time again and it's already 4:29. I fished my phone to chat Yoongi that I'm here.


I lifted my head and I saw a familiar person infront of me. No way..

"Y/N, it is you..." he gently smiled at me.

Oh my fucking god. This isn't happening.

Yoongi but 3rd person perspective

"Hyung!" the youngest of their dorm called him.

"oh, Taehyung-ah. What is it?"

"are you going to meet her now?!"

he smiled, "yup and I think she's there already.."

"goodluck, hyung!! We'll always support you!" he jogged back tk the university.

Yoongi shaked his head and chuckled.

"I'm meeting her today.."

Yoongi walked for 5 minutes and arrived to the cafe. He was about to chat Y/N when he saw her.

with another guy.

Yoongi was surprised, thinking who that guy was. Something was off.. Y/N wasn't smiling. She crossed her arms and looked at the guy with anger.

Yoongi decided to sit 3 tables away from them. He can clearly hear them because the cafe is kinda quiet.

"Y/N please, I'm sorry.. I was wrong okay?" the guy seems like korean but he can speak english fluently. Yoongi thought.

"I don't care. Please leave? leave like what you did to me. why are you even here?"

The guy held his hand but Y/N jerked her hand away.

"Y/N, please.. I want you back."


"are you seeing someone?"

"what if I'm meeting him today, would you leave me alone?"

the guy went silent and looked at her.

"no. I'll make you mine again, I will get what's mine."

"shut it, Jeon Jungkook. We're done. You don't own me. please leave me alone" Yoongi saw her gritted her teeth because of anger.

"okay, I'll leave for now but you can't avoid me. I'm the cousin of the owner of this cafe. I won't let you resign here. You'll stay where I can see you."

"You're crazy, Jungkook."

"Only for you."

"bullshit! you left me, you broke me, stop with your fucking nonsense and leave me alone!"

Y/N left the cafe. Yoongi stood up to follow her. He's scared for her. He suddenly rememberd that she nearly comitted suicide. He can't let that happen. not to her.

Y/N ran fast to the pedestrian when the sign is still stop. A car is approaching her with a loud beep. Yoongi made it in time he pulled her close.

"michin-ya?!" the driver shouted at them.

"joesonghamnida. [I apologize.]" Yoongi bowed while holding Y/N close to her.

The driver tsked and drove.

Yoongi heard her cried. He looked at her and caressed her hair to the side.

"Y/N... stop crying.."

she stopped crying and looked at the man who saved her. Her eyes lit a litte, she put her hand on to his cheek and looked straight into his eyes..

"Min Yoongi..?"

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