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ilovecloudsxx: are you a college student like me?

yoongienius: Yep, I'm in 3rd year majoring music and arts.

ilovecloudsxx: really? so you're kinda 2 years ahead of me.

yoongienius: You a freshman?

ilovecloudsxx: yep, I am. I'm majoring business ad.

yoongienius: wow, business.. you have a lot of maths

ilovecloudsxx: yes. pls kil me.

yoongienius: hahahaha how old are you?

ilovecloudsxx: 19, hbu?

yoongienius: I'm a bit older than you. I'm 21.

yoongienius: that means you'll use honorifics on me.

yoongienius: Call me, Yoongi-oppa

ilovecloudsxx: lol wat. no way.

ilovecloudsxx: I ain't korean. Why should I call you oppa 😅

yoongienius: but you're in South Korea, Y/N.

yoongienius: and practically you're living here. You have to use honorifics to respect people here.

ilovecloudsxx: uhmm...

ilovecloudsxx: I'll try..

ilovecloudsxx: but not today, okay?

yoongienius: sure.

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